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15 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxious Thoughts form...

1st off: Hi everybody and thanks to any who care to answer my ?s.
Now that I've gotten used to filling them out in a way meaningful to me; I'm needing alot of these AT forms throughout the day. Also, should I use the Panic Attack form when I manage to keep it from going "all-the-way" so to speak? And I'm doing the Depression Program, which has an Activity Tracker form which I fill out hourly, it's time consuming, but Wow!. Just keeping track of my activities, moods, & thoughts has made a Huge difference in the way I've started thinking about things.
I just got out of the hospital, where I was admitted for my last humungous attack. Only 10 days & I'm determined to work these programs & start getting well!
(I feel good now: tomorrow the world may decide to end...)
15 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxious Thoughts form...

Thanks Ashley. I'm spending time doing the work, so i'll get as much as i can outta it. Already had an attack today, (after the fact/event!), only 60 on the fear scale & lasted 15 minutes, top. Very good for me to keep it under control until the event was over.
self-pat on the back
15 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxious Thoughts form...

Should I use the Panic Attack form when I manage to keep it from going "all-the-way" so to speak?
15 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Achievement Hangover?

This morning I woke up knowing that visitors were coming within the hour. I got up had a coffee & smoke (I know, I know). I signed in here to do my preliminary diary entry, checked out facebook briefly; and then they were here. We had a pleasant visit for a lttle over an hour.
That's it. No Panic Attack!   Sure I got fluttery and couldn't stop babbling, but I think I managed to look quite normal (for me).
Now here's the wierd thing: I felt great about my achievement (& so did my husband, btw), but after about 3 hours I started feeling sluggish & blah.
Is this like a "WOOHOO!!" Hangover or some-such? I also deal with depression so I'm getting good at figuring why I feel the way I do, but this is stumping me.
Any insight into this boomarang effect thingy would be appreciated.
15 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Achievement Hangover?

Thanks for the responses. My visitors only stay a maximum of a couple hours right now... any longer & I do start to go into "flight" mode. But, I am very proud of myself for coming back this far.
As for leaving the housework: I'm OCD with my housework almost at the top of my obsessions, having a messy house would shoot me right through the roof! lol As well, I'd be REAL depressed looking at everything that I haven't 'puttered' (cleaned, tidied, organized, lined-up)
Back to the point. I'm thinking that maybe if I had forced myself to hop on my stationary bike, dance, or had a bubble-bath, I may have avoided that hangover effect.... I'll have to work it better, next time.
Again, thank y'all for playin'