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Calling in Sick

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lets realize that poor company policies for the penalties of having to catch up put subtle pressures for "loyalty" on employees.  This is just manipulation, and is constantly a cause of distress on projects where people can't be replaced.
I found a lot a lot bullying occurred, since the managers didn't know how to provide a "cushion" to staff properly.  It ends up costing money, but think of the long term effects of stress leaves of absence! 
It's epidemic now, once you start asking around, since people just keep dropping off.  In my last job, the head of wellness left without returning, as did his subordinate for the worker's compensation programme because of illness.  It just stands out more when leadership figures drop off, but just think of the staggering statistics of mental illness...isn't it 18%
12 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I always try to avoid calling off if possible. The decision is the worst. I hate that I never want to let anyone down and always feel obligated to go to work even when I cannot move. After I call though, the worry seems to fade, but getting to that phone call is the worst
12 years ago 0 250 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I work with children so it is a good idea to call in sick when we are sick. I too go out of my way to please people, though I am trying to keep that in check lately.

I guess since March when I was in the hospital and had to call in sick I have been scared. I nearly got fired back then.  I suppose I just need to let it go. My boss likes me and I have had no complaints but I am always scared.

I hate having the fear of rejection sitting in the back of my mind all the time.

So in order to take care of me, I slept on the couch for a bit and watched a classic movie, Road to Utopia, Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. I needed a laugh and a reminder not to take life too seriously.

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sunflower Painter,
Definitely there with you.  I think in my case it comes from an overwhelming desire to please people and to not disappoint.  Usually calling in sick benefits my coworkers because it is really the best way to prevent them from getting sick so I try to mindful of those things.  That said, I can't remember the last time that I called in sick.  I was ill last summer - but it conveniently fell during my time off!
Hoping you'll feel better soon!
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I found I had an obsessive side which prevented me from taking time off sick, because of loyalty.  This is a bad habit, since one eventually could burn out.  Also, illness can trigger the panic cycle causing other problems.
12 years ago 0 11214 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunflower Painter,

Yes, it can be nerve wrecking calling in sick for work.  It sounds like you made the right choice for yourself inspite of this though!  How will you be finding relaxation today?

12 years ago 0 250 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Is there anything more frightening than calling in sick? I just did it and I feel horrible but kind of relieved. I am not feeling good and I am kind of proud for recognizing it and just doing it. 

I called, my boss wasn't emotional or anything. She just said, "Ok. Thats fine". I apologized and said goodbye. I also had to call and leave a message on the answering machine for my supervisor who is amazingly wonderful. I was sick at the beginning of my job this year and had to call in. My boss flipped out on me at the time so I have been terrified to call in since. 

Through this experience I have also realized that my fear is very specific to my job. It's good to know.

So lots of stress today. I also don't want to be sick for Christmas so I figure I better rest up.

Take care everyone,


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