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Waking Up in Panic

11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm glad you found it funny! Hahaha :)

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Re:  People are like seagulls...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...I can't stop laughing!!!  You made my day!

11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Teebs and Shari,

Teebs, it is frustrating waking up in the middle of the night. When you do wake up, what do you do? I had a few months, and every once in a while since then, where I sleep for 4 hours then wake up for a few hours before going to sleep for another 4 hours. I could almost put a timer on when I would wake up, it was pretty much the same time every night. While I was awake, I would get out of bed and sit on the lounge and read a magazine, do some crossword puzzles, listen to music on my iPod, pretty much anything that used enough concentration to tire my mind out without causing stress, like doing an assignment would. Eventually, I would be so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open so that was when I'd go back to bed.
Another thing that might help too is to make a nice cup of tea or a hot chocolate. Yum!

You could try thinking of your co-worker as you would with your anxiety/panic disorder? The anxiety is always there, feeding you the same old negative thoughts propaganda. It doesn't go away, but you can choose whether you listen and believe what it has to say, or allow it be just a noise in the background while you continue with what you're doing. With the colleague, it's up to you whether you tune in to her negative talk or focus on what you have to get done while you're at work.

Shari, that's such a strange concept for me! We don't have squirrels here, occassionally in some areas people will get a possum, so the idea of them running around your yard is so funny. Aw that poor little bald-tail squirrel, I'm surprised your dog didn't get a swipe on the nose! Living in the present is a hard thing to do, it takes so much more effort than it probably should. I guess at some stage though the ability to think ahead would have kept us alive, during a famine it would make sense to store all your food so you could survive until food became more readily available. It might be something we may need to 'unlearn' now because it's not as helpful in today's society.

Thank you, I'm glad it helped. My Mum does the same thing when grocery shopping, it's a bit embarrassing how much (and how loudly) she whinges about people stopping in the middle of the walkway, when it's something everyone, including her, does without even realising. With your emails, quality is more important over quantity. I was recently surprised when I received messages from some friends who I hadn't spoken to in a while, it was nice to know they were thinking of me. Since I enjoyed receiving their messages, I decided to surprise some of my other friends with messages to see how they were :)

Another thing my psychologist used to say which I'm sure you'll both enjoy, is that 'some people are like seagulls. They come in, poop everywhere, then fly away and leave everyone else to clean up their mess.'

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Typo error in last post:  The lion CAN'T bite you...  Also, Teebs re: letting stuff go at work.  When you come home from work, can you write in your "angry journal"?  I had to do it and it was quite effective.  It's really just a piece (or several pieces) of paper.  I would write down everything that made me angry and wasn't fair.  It would get it all out of my mind and onto the paper and once there I would burn it or shred it which would be a visual and symbolic aid in getting rid of carrying those negative feelings around.  I would feel better.  It's not bad to be angry, it's righteous anger, as I've heard it called before.  But, it's good to get it out and get rid of it and the anger journal is a way to deal with the unfairness in a positive way.  It may help, it did for me, no harm in trying :)

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Kaitie and Teebs :)

Teebs:  Just keep using the coping skills and relaxation techniques and it will break the pattern.  It's just stubborn and you have to be more stubborn and keep counteracting it even though it's discouraging.  It will work!  I got so frustrated, at one time, but I was determined to counteract the anxiety for one thousand and one times if necessary.  This is just anxieties pithy test to see if you're going to buckle or make it buckle, so just think of it as a toothless lion.  It's loud, it growls and it's scary, but it can bite you or harm you in any way.  It's just making a lot of noise to see if you'll fall for it and I know you won't.  I had a bout with the same lion and it seemed to last forever, in reality it lasted for six weeks, but it eventually gave up before I did.  You can do it; we're all here to help you tame the lion :)  You'll be okay - soon.

Kaitie:  Yes, the squirrels are foolish to come into the yard.  One time, my older dog, got a mouthful of squirrel fur from the tail.  I think the squirrel was upset that he had a partially bald tail.  He wasn't hurt, but he sat in the tree and chattered a lecture to my dog :)  The thing I like about dogs, and animals in general, is that they live in the present.  We humans can, but we know there are other options.  I try to stay in the present, because there's less anxiety there.  I read that thinking about the future can cause anxiety (the unknown) and thinking about the past can cause depression (can't change things or go back).  When I was a kid and knew I had a dentist appt. I'd worry the whole two weeks before going.  As an adult, I don't think about it until the actual day.  That way I'm only nervous when I sit in the chair, instead of ruining a good two weeks :)

Thanks for the insight on why people behave the way they do; it makes sense.  And, it relieves stress when I understand the cause or reason.  Thank you - you are really smart!  That's so true and so funny that the things we don't like in others are what we do.  I've been caught red handed on that one for sure.  I complained about how close people get up to me in the grocery line and my daughter said, "Hey.  You do the same thing."  So, whenever I get bothered by something someone does, I get out a figurative mirror and see if I am guilty of doing the same thing.  And, I always do - ha ha.  I felt sorry for myself for a moment yesterday and told my husband I was lonely.  He asked, "Did anyone email you?"  And, told him yes. So, I guess I dismissed that people wrote.  I don't know what I was thinking unless it was that not enough people wrote.  In any case, good people observations Kaitie - good on ya, as my Scottish friend would say :)  I don't think I push people away, but I'm going to check into it.  Good insights for sure.


11 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is now the third night in the last week I've been up in the middle of the night with anxiety. I know setbacks are part of progress sometimes, but this is starting to feel a lot more like regression. I don't know what to do to help break this new pattern that's starting.

My boyfriend said I need to find a way to let go of stuff at work more and not take it so personally. He's right, to some extent, but it's hard when it comes to daily difficult interactions with my co-worker who I'm expected to work fairly closely with. I'm not even sure anymore if that's what's contributing to these night time episodes.

So frustrated right now.
11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Shari,

Aww go little Chiquita! That would be so cute seeing them play together like that. Do the squirrels actually come into your yard? I have an American friend on Facebook and her dogs frequently get sprayed by skunks because they chase them haha. Animals do adapt so easily, they don't have as much fear and a tendency to over think thing like we do. I sometimes envy my dog's simplicity of life, she gets to lay on our wooden chair in the backyard in the sun all day.

I remember your troubles with the meet up group last time, have you tried putting an ad in your local paper? I think plans are so subject to change because of the fast-paced lives we're expected to live. There are also so many contradictions in what society expects from us, especially women. We're meant to be organised yet flexible, work hard but not work too much, and deal with these increasing expectations without being overly stressed! The people who do that to you probably don't realise how much it hurts you. I had a friend who was going through a tough time and he felt like no one cared about him, and that he was the one always making the effort with people. But whenever I sent him a message or talk to him in person, he would ignore me or walk away. He pushed me and some of my other friends away and then complained because no one came to see him in hospital after his surgery. My psychologist used to say that the qualities which annoy us the most are our worst qualities, which was certainly the case with him. I don't think it's always like that though.

You too Shari!

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wanted to say hi to Teebs; hope everything is going well :)

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kaitie,

Sorry for the delayed response.  I got a new email address and had to ask Ashley to replace my old one, so I could post. Thanks Ashley!!!  

Thanks for asking about little Chiquita.  She is still sore and a little better, but the vet said she doesn't need surgery, so it's just a minor injury - thankfully.  Today is sunny and warm and beautiful and the dogs and I have been outside in the fenced yard enjoying the weather.  Chiquita is chewing twigs and rolling in the grass and chasing birds and squirrels with Fawn.  She limps sometimes, but she seems happy and it doesn't seem too painful.  I'm sure she'll get better each day.

There's a dog rescue group here called, Dogs with Disabilities and there's a German Shepherd in a wheel chair and others as well.  There was a famous American Chihuahua named Chilly Willy who has a wheel chair and his owner wrote two children's books about him.  It's amazing how adaptable handicapped pets are; they do well on three legs and with one eye; they are just happy and take it in stride.  

I may start another meet up group, but keep the ad up for six months.  I have 2 friends and 1 family member to get together with once in awhile, but the downer is that the plans they make with me are subject to change at anytime.  I think, as a society, America is glued to their technology instead of interacting with other people.  Everyone is so busy and wrapped up in their own lives that they have time for no one.  I take that as a social issue, not a personal issue; times have changed.  I'm glad for my internet friends here and for friends and family who email me.  I've accepted it's the way life is now, but it's hard to accept that some people's word is not good.  Yesterday I waited 5 hours for my family member, who said we were going out for dinner, and they ended up having dinner with a friend and didn't call to let me know.  It happens a lot to me.  I have a long time friend that says she'll call and then I don't hear from her for six month.  Or, we plan to meet somewhere and then right as I'm leaving she'll cancel.  The newer friend cancels last minute or doesn't show up, so it's been getting to me lately, but there's nothing I can do about it.  Well, I didn't mean to pour that out, but I'm sure it's better to get it out than to stuff it in which can cause anxiety.  

All the best to you too Kaitie!


11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Teebs,

I guess I misunderstood what you meant by 'issues'. I was thinking along the lines of maybe she was going through a divorce, or work was becoming too stressful for her. But if the issue is an anger management problem, as with my Dad, then I understand now how sitting down and talking to her probably won't help. It's so frustrating isn't it? How they fail to see the positives, and even if you do point it out, they tend to ignore it.

You are strong Teebs, stronger than you think you are! Believe it :)


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