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STill Sick Still Scared

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for writing me. I am trying not too let the dark thoughts come Vincenzia, if I could get throat cancer out of my mind that would probably be a big help, I know I am scared about them putting a camera down my throat, they have too put you out for that, and I wont do that, I would rather have a local, my Mother had a general and she never came out of it she went into a coma and died so I would never do that, cant they just look down you're throat with a mirror and light?
I am still very sick, which surprises me, I am now on day six of a powerful antiobotic and should be feeling better and that too scares me. The chest and wheezing is a little better and my voice a little better, which I am grateful for, but the ear problem is brutal, constant pain, at first it was just when I was swallowing now its all the time, and I dont understand since I am taking the medication and taking it correctly, should an earache last a week?? I have tried heat, tyelnol and nothing helps, I am getting SO scared I am never going to get well or its cancer, I know how you felt Carmie when you had strep throat, the Doctor did not do a strep swab which surprised me since its so quick easy and painless, I thought I got good care I hope so.
I was thinking of going back to the Doctor this evening or tommorow, tommarow will be one week and he said if I was no better to come back in a week, I do not want to go but I may have too, this ear pain is scaring me and I cannot eat or drink hardly because of the "razor blade stabbing" that comes when I swallow? the doctor did not know what it meant, if he does not know I surely dont, I am so sad and mad and frustrated I am still so sick, I went to the Doctor and it did not help much.
Did anyone ever have an earache for a week or so? and the pain worse when swallowing? and if so what did they do too alleviate the pain? Should I try warm sweet oil? peroxide did not help which is very strange because normally it does help.
I am just so confused and depressed and panicky, something terrible is wrong and I do not know what it is and apparently the Doctor does not know either, shouldnt an earache go away in a week on antibotics? How long did your antibotics take too work CARMIE?? I have been so sick I forget if you told me. thank you all so much, please write me back...Deb.
12 years ago 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deb
I don't really have anything else to add that the others have said, just thought I would post as I haven't for a while and to let you know that I am thinking of you.  If it helps I thought at Christmas when I started taking my citalopram (Celexa) again and they said that it would take 4 to 6 weeks to kick in I thought that time would never get here, but it did in the end and although I don't think I will ever be 100% again, I certainly feel better than I did 2 months ago.  Take Care Matilda x
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deb,
Please don't give up hope or let these dark thoughts consume you.  What you may read or find on the internet can be confusing and unreliable.  I think the best course of action is to try and get some rest, apply some warm towels over your throat as Sunny had suggested - anything that makes you feel more comfortable.  Think positive thoughts. 
Continue as best you can with the medication you were given and follow-up with a doctor or specialist. 
I pray you have peace tonight and feel better tomorrow...

Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi - I will definitely pray that you don't have cancer.  Being terrified and in pain like you are sounds even worse or just as bad.  My antibiotics took a very long time to work, too - and I was very scared.  What helped most is when I did relaxation exercises to go to sleep.  I am so sorry about your ear.  It's really important for you to try to focus on the present.  Everything that you are worried about lies in things that might possibly happen in the future.  You have right now to try really hard to relax and rest and let your body fight this.  I am praying for you and thinking positive healing thoughts that your good health will return soon. It's so difficult to relax when you are in pain, I know.  I do believe that pain is always worse when we are tense.  If you can find any part of your body that feels relaxed, think about that - and take deep breaths and work on bringing that relaxing feeling to another place.  This is something that helped me when I was suffering from strep.  You will get well soon - I can tell that your body is fighting really hard - that is why you are so tired. 
Don't forget to try to stay hydrated.  I am very sorry that you are sad.  If you are in the mood, I can try to share a funny vacation story in the relaxation forum (I think that there is one).  Thinking of you and wishing you peace and health -
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Carmie,

Thank you for writing me back. I have been up all night with my ear pain, and my voice is totally gone, I called the doctor and the nurse said to keep taking the antibotics but they are not working, its day five should'nt I be a little better nor worse now?

I have been crying all day Carmie and shaking and panicking, I am convinced I have throat cancer, I have all the symptoms. I read a book last year about a man who had it and his ONLY symptoms were loss of voice, sore throat and bad ear pain. I cannot stop crying, they are probably going to have to stick a tube down my throat, and when they see the cancer, they have to remove my larynx and I will have a hole in my throat and have to talk thru a microphone, if I live through it, I am shaking with fear, never did I think a bad earache could mean cancer! And I have not had a earache in thirty years, usually men over 65 or 70 get this kind of cancer, very heavy drinkers and smokers, its rare in women, I cannot believe I got this, I have convinced myself its throat cancer, I have been crying all day, I probably will not get into a ENT doctor till next week at the earliest, and urgent care really cannot help, they are not qualified to do a deep search. Usually when I get sick the meds work and I feel better, and the symptoms are getting worse, throat cancer is a bad one especially for a woman, I am so scared I cannot function, I cant eat, because of the pain on swallowing and or sleep because of the pain, I so fear this cancer.

I am so sorry Carmie I will write back later, I am terrified of the future and what is going to happen, now I am getting a earache slightly in the other ear! If this was truely just strep or ear infection the antibotics would of worked, I never feared throat cancer now it is happening, I feel so bad for my son that I may die and my husband with his problems at work, I am trying to stay strong but its not working, the doctor did not help thats why I rarely go. Please pray that I do not die of this cancer, if for no other reason for my son.
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi.  I wanted to let you know that I am so sorry you haven't been getting well quickly.  A lot of what you've been writing about reminds me of when I had strep throat earlier in the year.  It's very scary.  It's especially difficult to have a cold or virus, isn't it, because there are so many symptoms and it is difficult to know what is the body, fighting the infection, and what is our anxiety.
I remember that things were easier and less painful when I could relax and I remember it wasn't easy to relax.  I also remember being over-the-moon happy when I felt well again!  I also was absolutely knocked out with fatigue.  In fact, that is why I ended up calling the doctors on a few occasions - I did not really know what to expect and was concerned about being so incredibly tired.  The best thing for me was to rest and relax and to sleep.  I know that it is difficult to relax but it will help so many of your symptoms.  I know that you sometimes feel guilty about sleeping during the day - but this is your time to heal - if you are tired, you definitely should rest.
I wish I could have written before - the kids have had a lot of homework and have been using the computer more than usual.  I've also been trying to finish watching the Oscars - isn't that funny.  I love the movies so much and I've always enjoyed award ceremonies.  Off subject - I know - sorry about that.
Please know that you are in my prayers and I wish you health and peace,
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunny,
Thank you for writing me its always so nice to hear from you with you're encouraging words. I will try the hot towel method. I can take tylenol with the antibotics and klonopin, I asked my nurse once last year when I had bad broncitis and she said the three together were fine and the pharmacy said they did not interact. I am up late because I cannot sleep because the pain is so bad, it started just when I swallowed now its getting more constant which concerns me, I am on day five of the antibotics so I thought they would kick in, unless its not a infection just a swollen vocal cord or something else, a antibotic wont help that, the antibotic is helping the broncitis with the inhaler, its a very strong antibotic Sunny, it makes me very very tired and joint pain but I have to finish them I know you cannot stop halfway through. I am hoping and praying to get better very soon.
I may take a tylenol because the pain is so bad, I dont like too because I hear its not good for the liver, but I dont take it a lot so it should be fine. I just wish I had NOT read that book about that man who had throat cancer and other than losing his voice he had terrible pain in his ear, that is scaring me Sunny, I am trying not too dwell on that, I have not had an ear ache in years and years, I was thinking of warm sweet oil anything to take the pain away, I do not know whats causing the pain the Doc said the ear looked alright. Just hoping this ends soon. Thank you for you're prayers and words Sunny.
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:  Hope you can hang in there a little longer.  So sorry your ear is still so painful.  Have you tried a heating pad, or warm pillow on it?  not too hot, just warm.  I heard you can toss a pillow or towel into the dryer to heat it up.  I heard warmth may help.  How about some Tylenol?  can you take that when taking antibiotics?  better check with your nurse on that one.  Even though your voice is gone for now, sounds like your throat is easing up a bit.  Maybe the antibiotic is starting to work.

thinking of you and sending you positive vibes,

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank You Samantha,

I am really very anxious and depressed tonight and you're comforting reply helped me. Its a ten day course of antibotics and its only day five so I hope sometimes you have to take the whole thing to feel better, which I intend too do, I will finish them all.

The wheezing is a little better and my voice is still gone, that does not scare me Samantha what scares me is the sharp stabbing pain in my ear when I swallow, its like tiny razor blades! Its so painful and scary, the Doctor looked in my ear and said he did NOT see any infection, just some redness, he seemed like a good MD his speciality was Cardiology and pedriatrics so I assume he was good. What is worrying me Samantha is that I read "refered ear pain" could be a symptom of throat cancer, along with hoarseness and pain, which of course is scaring me to death! How I wish I never ever read that.

I will give it another week Samantha as you suggest and as the Doctor said, it will not be easy, I just have to get these scary obessive thoughts about something terribly wrong and concentrate on getting better on the medicine. Thank you so much for you're reply, I really needed support tonight I am feeling very very sick scared and alone. I am trying to rest and think positive.
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Debora,
I would recommend giving it a little bit more time, follow what the physician recommended. At least wait a week and go from there. I would also suggest focusing on incorporate some relaxation techniques. Light some candles, have some soothing tea, take deep breaths and just focus your energy on thinking positively.
Here for you,

Samantha, Health Educator

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