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14 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cleo,
Keep jotting down what you are feeling and if need be you can show it to your doctor. But as what Davit says, it is usually the body getting used to it for the first week. Maybe you can get a doc. note for your job too? 
Davit- cake sounds good.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

You can reduce it a bit if the side effects get too annoying. If you couldn't take it it would have shown up by now. Most people I have talked too say a week and the worst is over and two and it is like you aren't even taking it. I was Ok on it as long as I didn't take cloxacillin with it. You sound calmer, are you. Think positive and all will be well.

Your friend Davit. Making cake today.
14 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone.
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm reading the forums and doing my diary but am finding the side effects of the celexa taxing...I hope its only a week or so... I had to call in sick..again....which worries me...I only got this job in Feb. Take care my friends.    
14 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cleo,
another congrats to your accomplishments to the dr. You seem like you are on the right track. Keep us updated!

14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 Congradulations!  I am glad to hear you made it back to the Doctor and that it went well.  Don't hesitate to to post if you want to talk or anything.  I agree chapter 3 is very interesting.  In fact since you mentioned it I am going to go back and read some of the chapters over.  This depression center also has some interesting and good information on it too.  I am happy to hear you are working on the 10 question list.  I really like this list because it can be applied to so many situations and after a while you find yourself questioning things without the list in hand and it becomes kind of automatic .   Keep us posted on how you are doing.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Celexa,(Citalopram) is pretty common and there are a few people on this site that have used it, some may still be using it.
I can't but that is just me, I can't take SSRIs. with cloxacillin. (antibiotic) The first week can be rough in some but you have the lorazepan to control that. For those who can use it, it works very well. When I have been able to use it I have had to take valium with it to handle the agitation that came with the first week. Valium is diazapan which is an older form of lorazapan. (milder is all)
If you find yourself dwelling on the side effects too muck then take the lorazapan. A week is not much time. When I was taking Citalopram I was not fogged in. I felt rather normal considering that I was in the Hospital with a lot of pain.

Good luck, I am with you.
14 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi again,
I just read some of the newer posts here and the ones form Pheonix remind me of myself many years started as worrying all the time and one fear seemed to lead to another. I think you gave great advise to  her Davit.
I went to the dr. this am. It went very well. We discussed various meds and she was impressed by my list..thanks again Davit...
I have citalopram ..and lorazepam if needed..I guess the first week  can be rough. Its not easy for me to take meds ...I don't like the idea of fiddling with my mind...but I am  so sick of the anxiety I have decided to try them. I realize that I will look out for every symptom of the side effects for the first while.I hope the anxiety doesnt get too bad ...
Over the weekend I started reading chapter3. Its very interesting the corelation between animal and human  behaviour. I have  never thought about fear in that way before.I glimpsed at the next pg. about Learned Fears..will get into that in a litttle while...I'm still working on the 10 questions for each negative thought....
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit:  this is not related to any thread - but just had to say "WOW!"  what a beautiful pic.  I love it, I really do.  I love the white blaze on the horse.  I love everything about it.  When I was young, I used to save all my babysitting money so I could go horseback riding.  My mother had her own horse, lucky woman. She wore jodphurs and little ankle boots.  Can you imagine?  Grandfather would shine him all up for Sunday and she would ride him around visiting for the day. 
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone:  My doctor once told me that Sir Laurence Olivier took propranolol for his stage fright.  He would take one before a performance because his heart just raced.
14 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cleo,
I've had a therapist a while ago but I don't have one now. I want to go see one but I am afraid to at the moment. But that is my goal for this year. Anxiety is difficult to understand but keep expressing here and you'll find more about yourself each time... also  do research and ask a lot of questions like what the others have mentioned. Some doctors may not be as informative so it's good to remember that too. My doctor 'didn't know' that Lexapro can give withdrawal symptoms so I thought I had other problems because of that. It is also one of the newer SSRI's. And a lot is trial and error, drugs affect each individual in their own way. Big life changes as the ones you've mentioned are hard to get used to... changes are hard to get used to, especially if you were playing a big role in one of them and it suddenly ends. The biggest for me was the pressure though.. of keeping up with what I "should" be doing. Anyways, let us know how everything goes.

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