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14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:  had my first real long outing today to visit my mother who is about 40 minutes away (nursing home) and spent about an hour there.  Came home and took my pressure and it is pretty good, so it is getting better.  I am able to do more, tho I'm not pushing it.  I think this new med. is doing the trick.  The first two wks. I could hardly do anything as BP kept spiking to almost 200s and felt nauseus and faint like, but now it is safe zone and my head and ears aren't buzzing all the time.  This is something I inherited as my mother has it (strokes in our family history) and I started in late 40's and it has been a good l0 yrs. without problems. I'm not overweight and eat well nutritionally -I used to be a fitness instructor.  It's usually well controlled, but after that viral infection, something happened.(?) it just wouldn't go down.
I  hope you continue to mend.  It's hard staying still, isn't it?  You seem to have found some acceptance in your life.  I still having problems slowing down I guess. I'm sort of worrying about summer plans if I can make the trip west and other things I had planned.  For now I am enjoying the birds and hearing the geese and the ducks and I have gulls too.
  Well, when I sit outside and have my tea, I'll think of you sipping yours watching your pond with the geese and ducks. Nature is so beautiful and makes me smile always.
p.s. don't know cozar - will look it up.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have to admit that I was concerned when I saw how high your BP was even though I was pretty sure you were doing something about it. Mine goes up a bit when I'm on antibiotics and it goes up quite a bit when I'm stressed and way up when I'm on antibiotics and stressed at the same time. If it doesn't come back down the next day I add cozar to the list till it does. Few days after getting admitted to hospital and I usually have to add it.
I am at home with an IV pump a PICC line and a big box of meds. It's not as bad this time. I only have to do the IV once a day but it is a large dose. Right now I'm sitting in my recliner watching the geese and ducks in the pond in the back yard. Green house is ready to start but I'm not. My arthritis flared so I need to take extra meds and waste the day. There was a time when this would have bothered me but I realize there is little I can do about it. I think I'm getting better but with everything else happening it is hard to tell. I have home support every second day to cook and clean since I am too tired and weak to do it. Still a month of IV to do. Could be worse hey. I could have the flu. And at least I'm at home. So there you go, now how are you? 

14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the site.  If you start working through the program I think you will find it very helpful.  There is a 10 question list which I found very helpful.  It shows you how to challenge your anxious and negative thoughts and enables you to see what is a valid anxious thought and what isn't. This helps your replace your negative thought with positive ones.  In this way you get a better understanding of what is real and what is not.  I hope I am making sense here.  Once you start working the program it will all start making sense. 
I have to agree with Davit their are a lot of people here that will help you.  Davit has a lot of  personal experience with this  disorder and he knows what he is talking about, he has lived it and worked very hard to get better.  He has helped many of us here on this forum and showed us the way to recovery.  It does take a lot of hard work to get better I will not kid you. You will be rewarded in end the with a much happier life.  You are all learning to understand ourselfs and others better. It is a ongoing process for each and everyone on of us.  We are all learning from and helping each other.  
Good luck on your journey.
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit - wondering how you are?  Is your infection getting better?  Are you able to get out and about a little?  How's the greenhouse, or is that aside for now?  hoping you are getting better.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

This site will help and I will help you if you want help. We will all help you.

14 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you all for the replies. Red, I actually had a US/Scan on my legs last year because of this fear. At that time, all was clear. I am having a dispute with my doctor abouta bill right now and they won't see me. I have been to Walgreens clinics and urgent care for my allergic reaction. I even went to urgent care in November because of leg pain and diagnosed as nerve inflammation in my back. The problem now is not generalized leg pain but localized. I know that there is not medical advice I can get from this site so, I digress. My biggest issue is I can't tell the real from the imagined. I don't want to over use the doctor's office because if the time comes where I have a serious concern, it may not be taken that way. I am a logical, analytical, professional. I am in my 4th year of dignosed anxiety and panic disorder. It pains me to even say that it all makes me feel like I am losing touch and going crazy. So far I can push through and not let it affect my work much. It has affected my home life. I have 2 small children and they know too often that mommy is "sick". I don't want it to be that way. I have taken paxil daily and hated it. I take xanax now as needed. Typically 10 pills last me at least 6 months. Right now I could probably take them 3 times a day. I don't because I have to conserve. No refills. My husband doesn't understand and thinks that I am completely out of it. I ask him to research these disorders but he doesn't. He doesn't like me spending money at the doctor for them to tell me its anxiety and nothing else. Its so frustrating. I will continue on with this site for a while. As I am sure you understand, I don't feel as though it will help but do believe knowledge is power. Thank you again for listening.
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Valerie:  welcome to the site.  I understand what you mean - when we are anxious we tend to be hypervigilant to any changes in our body. (especially when we are sick and feeling already vulnerable).  I used to be very anxious about chest pains and think heart attack right away - couldn't even read articles about latest research because I would just stress more.  I don't get chest pains very often now but when I do, I slow down, do my breathing exercises and it subsides.  It is those negative thoughts, those jumping to conclusions, those catastrophic thinking patterns which CBT will help you understand and overcome.  
Good luck and I hope you will study the whole program.  Keep posting.
14 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Valerie,
I'm a hypochondriac too. I think that is why I have anxiety all the time because I'm worried when and what will kill me. The slightest change in my body (if the weather is cold/ hot) I anticipate what is wrong with me and I become obsessed with it. But thank goodness, I'm learning about myself everyday and I feel not as afraid as before. I still am but less. I hope you find comfort here as I have. Nice to meet you. 

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'll tell you that you are over reacting which is not the same as reacting. Of course you need to get these things checked but you don't need to panic over them. If you stick around we will show you how to stop that. You will still have to do the work but group therapy works and that basically is what we are. We are support to get you through the hard spots. Read some posts and you will see two things. First you are not alone, there are people just like you and secondly you will see them slowly get better. And they do get better. Some to the point where they don't have to be here anymore. Some monitor and jump in when they have something important to say. There is help here if you want it. You should get a complete check up so you can separate the real from the imagined. Let your Doc fix the real and we will help you fix the imagined. I am just a Member, I have nothing to gain from telling you the program works so you can do it with confidence that it does.

So welcome and I hope you stick with it. Life is good without panic in it.
14 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes.  I have read through the first session.  I have been to the doctor and I am at the point where I need to be able to tell what is really a medical issue and what is just anxiety.  Right now my leg aches, but is it because I am tense or is there a a problem?  The other thing I have noticed, in the first session, it focuses on the attacks and agoraphobia. But unfortunately, nothing on those of us with health fears.  I hate to say I am a hypochondriac, but it is pretty clear I am.   Thanks for the reply.

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