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Great reason to quit - why did I wait so long?

15 years ago 0 1080 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sylvie, welcome to our group! so glad you've joined us- everyone here will be right behind you with support and encouragement especially on the difficult days.
It sounds to me you know where your pitfalls are going to be this time and so that may make your quit successful as you know what to try and avoid.
Mr Quitter is right in recommending the Allen Carr book too- as an ex smoker it will make you smile and sometimes laugh out loud because everything he says we can identify with- he doesnt lecture or try to frighten us into quitting he just makes us look at smoking from a logical perspective and Sylvie, smoking does seem kind of silly when you think about what Allen Carr has to say.
So, keep up the great work, Hell week is nearly over phew!! its onwards and upwards and we look forward to sharing the journey with you!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 5/10/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 159
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,975
Amount Saved: $2,385.00
Life Gained:
Days: 18 Hrs: 16 Mins: 53 Seconds: 10

15 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Get those lists going!  Keeping busy is a good way to keep those craves at bay!  Make a list of chores, hobbies, renovations and activities.  Make daily lists of things you would like to get done!
Also use water, chew sticks, gum or candy to help occupy your mouth!

Josie, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 303 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sylvie,
Congratulations on Day 5!  You should be very proud.
You asked for ideas....I like you have tried everything too. The best thing I ever did was learn about the enemy.  I would quit for days and months...I never quit for a year or more though so kudos for that....So obviously you know you can quit....Now you want to know how to stay quit....True?
1) We missed the great high when we were quit.....When you start smoking it tastes really bad but it's cool to smoke when you start so you force yourself to do it until it finally tastes great....As you move from horrible to great there is a chemical reaction in your brain that sets you off balance....At balanced you are a non smoker....So you get this insane need to smoke and when you do it feels great....When you smoke you return yourself back to normal or to a non smoking state....This tapers off and then you need another....and so on and so forth...It's like wearing tight shoes....When your not wearing tight shoes your in a normal state....When you put on the tight shoes it hurts but then it tapers off...Then when you remove them you feel this high....All you did was return to a normal state but since you put yourself off balance in the first place there's more joy in returning to that normal state....
I'm a marketing major and this stuff has always fascinated me....You walk into a store to buy some eyedrops.  You find your brand...The one that's familiar that you know and love....Then you discover eyedrops right beside it...Same ingrediants, same quantity, in fact the colors on it are exactly the same....The only differance is the brand and the fact that the other one is $4 less....Which one do you buy???
Perception is everything....If you perceive your getting a high then you are....If you understand why you feel that way you might not....
There are two bowls of cereal they are exactly the same.......One guy had an ordinary day the night before, woke up, and had one of the two bowls of cereal....The other guy got robbed and had a gun pressed to his head the night before, woke up, and had the other bowl of cereal....Who's cereal tastes better????  Why????
There is a great book on some of this stuff called "Allen Carr's - The easyway to quit smoking."  It'll be the best twenty bucks you'll ever spend....I would recommend that anyone who has quit for periods of time and gone back read it....Chances are it's not your desire quit that's the problem, it's the illusion that your missing out on something once you have....Take care and congratulations...
Mr Q

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 8/4/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 73
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,752
Amount Saved: $547.50
Life Gained:
Days: 7 Hrs: 20 Mins: 21 Seconds: 35

  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 0 Hours: 0

    Minutes: 0 Seconds: 0

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

15 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow!  Thanks, everyone, for the words of support.  It seriously helps!  I feel like I can't really call up my friends to complain about how badly I want to smoke (not the most interesting conversation for non-smokers) so it's amazing to read posts from people who are going through the same thing.  Still going strong -- almost through Day 5!  I like the idea of "hell week" -- that means it will be over soon!  I do know from experience that you're never really out of the woods in terms of relapsing, though.  I have relapsed before for the stupid reason that I thought I had quit solidly enough that I could have just one cigarette on a big night out.  I think many of us probably know that slippery slope.  Seems so dumb in hindsight.
To answer Kelly's question, I quit before for almost 2 years using the patch.  Funnily enough, I only used the patch for one week because it gave me horrible insomnia.  It was seriously hell.  I didn't figure out why I wasn't sleeping until I re-read the side effects after about a week.  The memory of that experience made me never ever want to quit again (so I never smoked again... until I met my husband -- an avid smoker with no plans to give it up).  On other occations, I came up with more creative methods.  I tried a lollypop method -- every time I wanted a smoke, I had one of those Halloween suckers.  Do not recommend this unless you really like suckers (i.e. as much as nicotine -- hard to imagine).  I also tried wearing a hair elastic around my wrist and snapping it on myself every time I wanted a cigarette.  That strategy breaks down too (i.e. "Ouch!  That friggin hurts!  I'm going to stop snapping this elastic and go have a smoke...).  This time, I'm popping a Thrive losenge every time I want a cigarette.  I think they are kinda gross and slimy so hopefully the memory of those losenges will keep me clean in the long run.  Anyone have any better ideas???
15 years ago 0 289 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the group Sylvie, I'm so sorry that you are having to watch your mother go thru cancer. I'm going through a stressful time myself right now, I'll tell you the same that others have told me.... smoking will not lessen the stress in fact it will cause more stress and in my heart I know that that is very true. Take it day by day or hour by hour whatever gets you through those craves. With our determination and the love and support in this group you and I can stay ex-smokers 
Congrats on your 4 days, you're almost through Hell Week.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/30/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 199
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 7,960
Amount Saved: $875.60
Life Gained:
Days: 21 Hrs: 18 Mins: 24 Seconds: 53

15 years ago 0 967 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Very nice to meet you.  We will all be here to help you no matter what.  I hope everything goes well with your mom, what a tough cookie.  What methods did you use in the past to quit?  Seems you could give us advise.    Anyway, so glad you decided to join our family, we will be waiting to hear how your doing.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 12/6/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 314
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 9,420
Amount Saved: $1,177.50
Life Gained:
Days: 25 Hrs: 13 Mins: 59 Seconds: 58

15 years ago 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Sylvie, Great name
It's been a few days, how are you doing now?
Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome, Sylvie!  Congrats on 4 days.  Don't worry about those milestones that are far out...they'll be here before you know it.  Just worry about right now...but get your quit meter up...its really a great motivator.  Come here often...everyone here is AMAZING!
You can do this!!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 6/19/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 117
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,404
Amount Saved: $368.55
Life Gained:
Days: 9 Hrs: 14 Mins: 17 Seconds: 49

15 years ago 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi! Definately do the program that is on this site.  It helps to get some insight into your past habit and to set your self up for success as a non-smoker.  Whenever you feel a crave you can post, messenger here on the site with other members or read past posts which can be very helpful.  Glad you are here! N.O.P.E. 
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 2/7/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 250
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 7,500
Amount Saved: $2,321.25
Life Gained:
Days: 28 Hrs: 11 Mins: 55 Seconds: 58

15 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Sylvie,
This is the place to be for support and advice! Try changing up your routine day by day, it can help alleviate those habitual craves.  Use the program to help guide you and make a list of coping mechanisms to get you through those tough times.  We are always here for assistance and the members do know where you are coming from.
Four days is a great start and you can continue to push forward and persevere.  Let us know how we can help!

Josie, Health Educator

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