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15 years ago 0 406 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nice to hear you were there to support your aunt in her crisis just as you do for our members here .
Hope you get plenty of rest... and enjoy the movie!
Karen, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys,
Today I had a visitor. My aunt was in the region! I was so happy to see her! She is having a mild crisis though so seeing her was very intense as she had to talk. But I think we had a good talk and we hugged! I hope I helped more then I hindered!
Problem is I am very hyper today. Been hyper all day! Been alternating between exhausted and sad and horrible, to this weird hyper stste lately. And the hyper lasts long! It is 4 am and I am still nowhere near tired! On the up side, I did not feel really depressed today considering all that is going on. But so hyper! I realize I am talking fast and typing fast and my mind is going fast...I feel urgh, not sure how to explain it. But hey, today was a better day then yesterday even though I am hyper and a bit not myself in a very subtle way! I just hope I did not steer my aunt clear beacuase of me being so hyper!
Anyway, I will go watch a movie and hope it helps me wind down enough to sleep!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Wildcat!
I am diagnosed as more Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia And GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). I am also, atm, diagnosed and MDD, I prefer calling it burn-out though as I am a bit phobic of depression and in denial .
As for OCD, I was told by more then one psychiatrist and psychologists that I am not OCD, but I definetely have some tendencies to it but and sub-clinical and as such not really OCD. It doesn't hinder my life as true OCD would. But the tendencies are there so you did pick up on something and are very perceptive!
And yes, anxiety lately is getting the better of me lol. Hence why I take the meds. And Omaga-3. I think the burn-out is why the naxiety is worse though. Not sure. But even now my anxiety is way better then it was once! And yes, walking helps, a lot. sometimes I am just too tired and exhausted to go though! Bleh!
And yes, I have trouble with the meds as I know there are ways to control anxiety and insomnia though natural methods! So I feel guilty and lame for taking them. But without taking them, lately I am such a mess I can't function enough to do the stuff that helps with the anxiety and insomnia! Visious cycle! So I take the meds reminding myself it is temporary until the other stuff I am doing to help myself kicks in! But I still hate taking them! I see it as a presonal failure. don't know why as I am not anti-med! I have issues!
Also, I do know anxiety meds need to be short-term. And yet I do not take the anti-depressants. Then again am allergic to most of the good ones... My mind is running 300km/h non-stop and my life is falling apart lately and it is all I can do to fight and keep things working. I feel like everything is in a constant need of repair! Argh! It never ends. I am a hamster in a super sonic wheel!Ans the pills will help me for now but I still need to fix this. Pills don't teach skills! Anxiety pills anyway. they are for the short-term. So I need to fix this and pronto!
And yes, I do try to present the perfect front! I do like control or at least to seem in control! I am very hard on myself! Very hard. If anyone treated me like I treat myself I would fire them as my friends lol. I am a bad friend to myself! I am so mean to myself in my head always thinking I should do more and better and more perfect!
Anyway, engough of me venting. Thanks Wildcat for the insights and helping me bring my thoughts and reflexions further!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hay Sheba,
You are right. The meds are here to help me I should not "bite the hand that feeds me!" I am taking my meds daily reluctantly.
I still take them reluctantly. I struggle with it but I figure as long as the pros outweigh the cons I will take them. And hey my life can't possibly remain this insane much longer can it? It is not so crazy and yet it is. My life used to be crazier in the sense that I had more to do, more work, more school, etc...But now my life is crazy in the sense that there is more in it falling apart! I have more scrambling and fixing to do to try and keep the whole dang ship from sinking. I tell you atm, the rats are skipping ship! I am bailing the boat out but it is hard work! But as always I will be ok! Just need to get through this rough patch. And that is why I take the meds. More pros then cons. But I still HATE it!
As for the house thing, thanks for empathising wih me. My house is so messy and dirty. /sigh. And a City inspector called to come inspect our house for tax purposes, inside and outside! Oh the horror!
As for the cash, I asked my boss for more hours and was told she would keep me in mind but would probably not have much more to offer me till January! Argh! And we are broke and my hubbymisses work or gets sent home early a lot and we need a new car. Bleh! But we will be ok! I am hanging in there!
Thanks again for your supportive reply! It helps so much!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys, thanks for the great replies! I will answer later as I have to head out for work and these wonderful replies deserve a good answer! TTYL!
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i do not remember if OCD is part of your anxiety ... but anxiety is definetely getting the better of you.
chest pain, digestive problem / eating , even the tingling arm -circulation/oxygenation
**no wonder a good walk often helps you, you regain control of your thoughts, breathing, and probably become a lot more calm as well!!!
have you thought that you might have trouble with the anxiety meds because you know full well that a good walk will do the same thing as a pill? with less side-effects. You might feel the source of the trouble is life moving three km/hr too fast for you and the pills will not help.  And the Long-term anxiety remedy is to change how you see the situation.  So if you cannot control the world around you you can at least ... present a perfect front ... and even that seems to have a flaw?  Which would be more OCD ...
15 years ago 0 64 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva!
The meds are a helping hand you don't have to bite it. I had also bad times takimg meds but I knew it helped so it became a routine of helping myself.
For the house (ehm room for me) I'm relating well! I didn't got any time and energy to clean it but I need to. I'm hating the way it looks.
As for breasts ehm same problem here but the pool is working very well
For the cash ehm I don't know if a coping machine will do for me also
Hang in there!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have still taken my meds yesterday both the anxiety pills and sleeping pills. Now why does that bother me so much. I am not anti-meds so why do I have trouble taking my own meds and being ok with it? I struggle a lot with that.
As for hubby, I wrote in my other thread about it.
As for the house, it is driving me crazy. It is beyond messy. It is DIRTY!!!! I hate it. Makes me want to just move and leave all behing but the cats! Makes me feel so overhwlemed and tired and anxious. But I figure room by room I will get this back under control. Tomorrow hubby goes to work. Maybe I will manage some housework.
My finances are still a horrid mess. Not sure how to fix it. Gonna beg my boss for more hours. If that fails, hmmm not sure yet but I will figure it out.
My school stuff is a mess. But I will start getting that under control Thursday as I have the day off and house to myself. I hope I get that sorted. I will.
Our car is gonna croak soon. We need a new one and have no cash. Am hoping begging the boss for more hours will solve that too.
I gained weight and have heartburn  and that gives me chest pains and pains down my arm so now I feel bad. Want to get back to walking that usually helps! Wanna get back to eating better, that helps too!
Oh and I started losing my hair again. I had lost hair before and it had stopped. Now I am losing it again. The perspective of becoming my families first woman with bald spots is not tempting. I can see thin spots now when I see my scalp through my hair that freaks me out.
Plus, well, sorry, warning you this will be too much info, but my breasts are bugging me. To the point of obsession. They are large and I can't help finding gravity has had a nasty effect on them. I have trouble finding bras that fit at a price I can afford. and even with a bra on I am unhappy with where they sit, I find them too low. I avoid mirrors or my reflection. I can't feel comfortable naked around my hubby. I feel uncomfortable naked alone with myself! I am having trouble dealing with this and this makes me depressed and full of angst. At least the weight I can do something about. This won't go away with proper eating and exercise! But I will maanage. Challenge my thought or something. Oh man, now I am crying, bleh!
I think my depression is making it hard for me to deal with all this crap I have in front of me. I feel anxious and I want to be proactive about things. But I am tired and have little energy which means I can't get everything done that I would need to get done to feel less anxious.I am tired! I am sad! I am anxious! I will get tthrough this! I am a survivoor!
But I will get it done, I will manage I always do. I am a survivor! And this is my new beginning.
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HEy Wildcat,
Glad to have you back! Thanks for the reply. Those swings scare me. But thanks for giving me new perspective. And yeah, we will sort through it all together :)
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
new,You ?
new, me?
most of the gang?
 sorry i did not quite understand. 

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