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Fear of Aging and Death

15 years ago 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi guys,
i've had two kids and know about birth and if you know about birth you know about death. i don't fear my own death, but the thought of my kid's death is haunting. it is what it is. we are animals. plenty of other species foresee things we don't and i think 
they plan for their future. i'm 50 - seeing my grandfather's dead body was scary but enlightening. just shells. maybe our minds molecules whatever rejoin the collective or maybe we start over again? i'm not too thrilled with the brown age spots appearing on my hands or my turkey neck, but what can you do? look at a forest - that's life. the dead enrich the living and round and round it goes. why be afraid of something that is entirely out of your control? do you think there is more of an afterlife? maybe that is what frightens you - that fire and brimstone crap.
15 years ago 0 223 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Bigwater,
I'm 47 and suffer similarly. For me, it is definitely a paralysing fear of death. I just can't accept it and am constantly chewing it over. The knowledge of the inevitability of my own mortality sits there like a solid cold lump in my stomach. I've tried exploring it and facing it through religious faith, poetry and meditation but these things all seem like empty consolation.
I feel that us humans are too far evolved, we can now think too much. Oh to be an animal. Damn the mind that sees the future.
15 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
        I am a 46 year old man who has been mildly depressed lately. I am considered bipolar II. Whenever I have gotten depressed since the age of about 30 my depression is accompanied by a debilitating fear of the shortness of life (aging) and mortality. I really can't figure out whether it is the aging or death that causes me more anxiety. The other day I noticed that these preoccupations were with me almost every moment of the day of course interfering with work efficiency and personal communications. I would like to share more in depth about the workings of my mind in regard to these phobias but first want to see if anyone out there who shares this or a similar problem will respond . Several years ago someone started on this subject and I was amazed how many people had similar suffering.               
                                                                                                              Thank you 

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