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10 years ago 0 85 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wonderful Red. Sounds like  great day all round  :-)
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit,
I did have a restful sleep last night..
Going out and getting a library card this past week must of helped me more than I realized because last night I was dreaming I was have a nice time relaxing at the library. Having pleasant dreams like this is a first for me..No traumatic dreams of clinics or hospitals at all last night..
I sure am liking this and am looking forward to getting another good night sleep preparation for my
doctors appointment in the early morning at the new clinic to meet the new doctor and everyone.. 
I am feeling good about this..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nothing in this life is that important since it won't be in the next one.


Have a peaceful evening Red.
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's evening time and my day ain't done yet..Still working on those steps for my Thursday doctor appointment now that I am done trimming trees and bushes outside and am in the house again.
.I started hole punching medical records this afternoon and putting them in a binder and every thing was going grand. Then about 200 sheet into it I realized I had punched the holes out of alignment, oh man, so off we go to make more copies.  Home again now and back to were I left off again I hope..Might not get it all done tonight now, but I still have tomorrow..So I guess it time for a change of plans.
I am in the home stretch now so I going to try to quit stressing it. I am driving myself crazy..with all usual.
I think a much needed rest is in order that way I hopefully won't mess up again!
STOP it Red I mean it!! :( 
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Started the day with check in on my support groups real quickly. Check on my lavender, one didn't' get enough water so I will have to replace it and the sprinkler head later today after my morning walk before the sun get to hot. Stopped by garden center to get a new plant and a couple of others too. Stopped it the grocery store again for bacon..I am doing good and getting things done..
I decided to get in line with a living grocery clerk being the it was early in the a.m. not to busy not a good choice..I wanted to give the clerks something to do for job security. I will never do that again..The clerk took her sweet time coming over to the register to ring us up and the whole time she and another clerk were talking about their facebooks accounts, how rude..I should have used the automated checkout like I usually do and like everyone else was doing. This way I could of checked out faster and would not of been treated like the invisible woman a non-person by the two clerks or interrupted their very important conversation.
I think they could lower the cost of groceries if they went totally automated. It would be much cheaper to run the automated system, it wants to work, it doesn't ignore the customers, it isn't rude to customers, it provides a one on one experience and you don't have to provide it with health insurance ..Just a little TLC is all it takes to keep it happy and working and it loves it job and the customers...
Well I am still a bit pissed off by them, so I decided to replace these negative thoughts and negative people in my day with something positive like cooking breakfast and working in my flower beds..
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today was a me day so I took a break from working on my most recent goal today..I had a good day today.
I talked to my dentist on the phone early this morning he was returning my call. We talked and are still on track and because of this I feel he has earned my trust and I can now trust him. I feel really good about that.
Second I went for a walk this morning and on the way home stopped at a library and got myself a library card. So now I can borrow dvd's, ebooks and real books plus I can go to the classes they offer like the knitting/crochet circle and the beading circle. Monday is the day they offer these classes but getting the card was a big enough step for me today. I may go to class next Monday.
Next I stopped for breakfast as a reward/treat, than stopped at the grocery store for coffee and finally came home to put on some vegetarian chili.
I showered, washed and dried my hair and relaxed....
Yes it has been a very good and a very relaxing day..and I am still making progress..
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit and Ashley.
I would have to agree with Davit..Pets should not come before people. I have known and know people who cared/care more about their pets than their own family. This is not something I do or understand..Edd and I have both had these type of people in our lives in the past. These type of people are not part of my or our lives anymore. Don't get me wrong I love pets, at one time I have 3 dogs, 1 cat, and two birds and fish and not once did I put my pets before my people.
Pets are a lot of responsibility and it is hard to move or travel around when you have lots of pets.  I never imagined myself without a pet a since I always had least one since I was a small child. It has been 8 years now since my last pet passed and I thought a lot about a having another one and after much though and even fostering 2 dogs and later a cat I realized that I was actually fine without a pet..So now I have no pets but do understand how much people love their pets. I sure loved mine, even so I do not think you should put pets before the people in your lives, especially the people you care about..They need TLC too..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I actually feel sorry for her if all she has is a dog. Some times people treat their pets the way they want to be treated. Held and talked too. But not disciplining it when it snaps at people is wrong. As far as I'm concerned if it didn't try to bite she could bring it in the store. But like I said I've never been bit and have no intention of being, I'll avoid her first.

There is the fact too that I don't think pets should come before people.

10 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Enjoy your walk Red! Sounds lovely
That dog doesn't sounds nice at all Davit. Sometimes little dogs can be quite yappy and it can be really challenging to try to train them out of it. I wonder if she saw anyone to help her with it?  Sometimes people just don't understand dogs and reinforce their negative behaviours. I am sure carrying it around all the time doesn't help. 
Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Getting ready and going for my morning walk at the lake this morning...

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