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9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The snow in the trees has got very heavy and is starting to bend the branches down and fall. Very pretty as it cascades down in mini avalanches. A good wind would shake the snow out. All the way up the mountains it is white. Snow doesn't usually stay in the trees this long. It usually blows more. Still the sun on the trees is very pretty.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My neighbour cleaned most of my driveway but not right down to the ice so getting to the garage was okay. More rain or snow or both this weekend. Highway was icy going to the store. The joy of living in the country, it is 15 minutes on the highway to get anywhere. More today since no one was going fast. Anyway I will get more groceries when I get ink for my printer on Thursday. Then it can do what it wants till I have to pick up Karin on I think the 15th. That is a three hour drive in good conditions one way. I'm concerned but not worried and although I said have to instead of want to there is no stress. Winter games then so there are no rooms available anywhere. Originally she was going to stay over and take the train. If worst comes to worst she will be stuck at the airport overnight. Just part of getting by. Winter here can be very unpredictable. Two years ago I made that trip three times in winter in a snow storm each time. And each time it was for someone else. Normally I don't go there in winter. But here we do what we can for friends. 
My seeds are on their way here so should get here in plenty of time. Spring is still a long ways away. But I can dream. I'd love a coffee but my rule is only coffee in the morning so tea it is I guess. And rice pudding. I bought milk so Jasper will be my buddy again, joking, he loves me anyway but being a cat more so if he can have milk. Theodore doesn't like milk. 
I shovelled the snow off the deck. Tractor gets the rest. There is around three feet on the flower beds and eight foot banks at either end of the driveway. I was thinking today that kids would love them. More rain and snow predicted.

9 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My fingers were so cold, that I had to rush inside. Maybe I shouldn't take salt in my hand to sprinkle it? Some of the temps will be above 0 after valentine's day, and spring is less than 60 days away. I cried as I saw the receptionist of one of my mom's docs. What might make me cry is effort, and I've been outside for the 6th time shovelling, after our biggest storm, but I'm in good physical condition, after walking on a treadmill for a good month.
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I suppose there has to be a name for everything. The problem with names is they often aren't descriptive. 
I have been living close to and aware of my surroundings all my mature life. Even before I was an adult. It is a normal survival skill. Someone decided this living in the present and being aware of your surroundings should be called mindfulness. Well it is mindful. But as a description of a technique it is lacking. 
Take me. I am in poor health and my financial situation is not good. A fact only. This morning it is snowing, I am warm and fed and I have coffee. More facts. Both mindful because I am aware of both.  Cognitive restructuring in the form of positive thought makes the first irrelevant and the second important. Put the two together and you have CBT, a different form of CBT but CBT all the same. Negative thought on the other hand makes the first important and the second all but invisible and needs coping skills to counter it. That is not CBT but behavioural therapy only.

And it is snowing and it is pretty and I will have to shovel it off the deck. I want the snow to keep my flower beds covered and shovelling it will get me out of the house for a while as will bringing in fire wood. Sure it is a chore but not a negative one. You can put a positive spin on anything. I think I will but a lamb roast in the oven and slow cook it for most of the day. I could even use the oven in my wood stove.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have a pumpkin pie in the oven and have a few minutes. Last night is the first night in a very long time that I couldn't sleep. Maybe three hours is all. Too much research. Too much to absorb at once. 

It snowed very light today so I don't have to shovel it. I should bring in fire wood but it can wait till morning. My fire has gone out anyway. 

All my seeds ordered now. Just waiting for spring. First thing I start in the house is leeks, then Petunias. 

I hope everyone is having a good day.

9 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Eggs, It might be my posture. I put a long mirror next to me, and noticed I slouch a lot, so maybe I'll try tweaking this first. They swept me out pretty quick, and did that before, and it's annoying, since a lot of people do that, and it's just greed, since I'm not getting good care, but she's getting paid very well. I could tell that since she just got at least 10,000 dollars worth of orthodontic work, courtesy of my taxes, most probably.
9 years ago 0 219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I sit my laptop on top on a upside down cooking pan while sitting at table. It makes it eye level. With my desktop, my monitor sits on a small shelf at eye level, keyboard on desk. Its much easier on back problems this way. 
9 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What she didn't know is that I have a second monitor. that would mean lifting a second monitor each time I decided to raise the laptop to the level for standing. During the summer, the hospital had a desk that moved up and down, and that relieved my back. I could get rid of this old desk anyway, but there are other pokers in the fire.
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hugs, did you get that right? Are you supposed to stand? You would still be looking down and curving your back and neck and compressing one side of the disks. I sit in a low chair at the table and raise the computer so my neck and back are straight and I'm not looking down. There are lots of articles on bench height in carpentry but none on computer height. An ironing board would only be a little higher than a table. You could use books to get the same height. 

9 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My physiotherapist had a creative suggestion for my back pain and too much sitting-use an ironing board for extra height for the laptop so I can stand. When I tried to assemble it, it was hard emotionally, since mom's clothes are still scattered around the basement. The thing seems to have seized anyway, so I'll try some lubrication tomorrow.

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