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Small Steps Equal Success

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Red.

I have an artificial tree but won't likely put it up. Just no interest. I might if I can get someone to bring it up from the basement. BP was 135/85 this morning so I've stopped the cozzar. clorthalazone is doing enough to keep the edema down and hence the BP. Had to cut the beta blocker in half too. The two will drop my BP down to around 110/75 so adding the cozzar would put it too low. 

I'm having a very hard time getting around again. Years ago I broke my fibula and it healed crooked. It is very easy to hurt it. So today I can barely use my left leg. Morphine will dull the pain enough to walk on it but that is about all. I had intended to make bread today. 

Much warmer. Snowing lightly. I'm out of movies again so I guess I'll sleep with the cats and wait for my ankle to get better. Just another bump in the road.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I took a little break from all the worrying tonight and went to get to some fruit and vegetables. We stopped on the way home to look at Christmas trees and of course I had to bring home the best tree ever. Every year I think about getting another artificial tree but we always break down and get a cut tree and every year I think it is the best tree we've ever had and every year it always is.
This is just one of the many positive distractions I have had today while dealing with my obsessive thoughts and worrying..It has been a busy day and I have seen many beautiful and interesting things while on my quest for answers and peace today. It seems that whenever I have some tough issues to think about the first thing I do now is get on my tennis shoes start walking. It doesn't matter where really I just have to keep moving till I figure it out or walk it off or what ever.  I guess it is nervous energy and sometimes I do wear myself out but this is my way of dealing with the negative and intrusive thoughts when the just won't stop coming or playing over in my head.

By the way I walked 1200 steps or approximately 5 miles today in my quest for peace and sanity.
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good to hear your BP is back down and the edema is under control again.
I sure feel for you with all the cold temps and your power down and having to stay up all night to keep your fire going so you can stay warm. Now that is hard. I sure hope you were able to keep the house warm and got a good nights sleep last night.  Let us know how you faired last night. 
Putting in little prayer for us again.....
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Glad things went well. For me I have my BP back normal. Weight loss has stopped so that must have been all water.

Power was off all night so I had to keep the fire going. Going to Minus 30C tonight, that is -22F. I don't go anywhere when it is that cold. I used to work out doors in that weather.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Update on my personal goals and exposure work done so far and plans for the future.
Today I worked on more steps regarding my planned goals. I went to see two of doctors today and talked to one doctor about plans for hernia surgery. I agreed to surgery and am awaiting authorization. I scheduled my pre opt for December 19 and my surgery for December 27 and will be staying in the hospital for a day or two to make sure I am doing ok and to make sure my pain is well controlled before I go home. I will be taking it very easy for at least 2 months no lifting or any kind and short 10 minute maximum walks to start with. I will return for a follow up in two weeks after surgery. After that I will be on my own and will see the surgeon if needed. 
Next I also had a appointment with my primary doctor today. We discussed my lab results. The new low carb high fat wheat free diet I decided to try for the last month is working really good for me according to my lab results. I had major improvements in my lab results this time. My blood pressure was normal and I have lost 10 pounds. I was told I do not need to take diabetes medication yet because I am still able to control my Diabetes so well with the diet and exercise I am doing. I asked for and was given a referral to a Registered Dietitian/Diabetes Educator and am waiting for a call back from them when they get authorization from my insurance. They are going to help me work on a personalized diet plan to control my diabetes. I also asked about my vision today because of my diabetes and was told I should have my eyes examined yearly because of my diabetes. I asked for and was given a referral to see a optometrist and made a appointment on my way out of the clinic. I still have to call my insurance and see if it is covered benefit.
So all in all it has been a very busy day. I was able to schedule appointments and go to them. I was able to move past some my fears and make some very important decisions regarding my health care. Now all I have to do is follow through with all these plans and more forward!! That is the next step..Recovery after will be the last step. Than after that I will hopefully reach my Goal of being able to enjoy doing some of the things I love doing again....

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
With the mixed cans of beans, do any of you soak them the night before?  I find the mixed kind just aren't as savoury for mom(I'll eat dirt).  I know they're precooked too, but these generic mixed kind just aren't the same.
I suppose you get what you pay for.
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
Thanks and Good luck with your appointment too.
Rinsing the beans, veges, and tuna really helps a lot. I have been doing it for about a year now and the edema is a lot better than it was before. I found a small colander that works great for rinsing. Also a  fine mesh sieve would work great too..I was surprised how much salt and gunk and stuff is on the canned beans..They actually taste much better rinsed.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I was taking Lasix but was switched to a diuretic that works slower. I take losartin potassium also now. I had to reduce the beta blocker because the combination was getting me too low. More juggling to do. I have my Doctors instructions and see him again in ten days.

Chantelle told me to try rinsing canned foods to reduce the salt. Can't do that with tomatoes but I can with kidney beans and mushrooms. No sugar, no salt and a diet of meat and vegetables keeps her BP down. No medication.

Good luck with your appointments. 

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congratulations Davit on your positive progress..and all the hard work you put into it..

I take lasix and potassium every day now..I still have a ways to go too with the weight too.
I am 8 pounds down now but have not budged in a few days. I am hoping to shed a pound or two this week.
It does take patients and time to adjust to this diet..I replenished my cucumbers and tomatoes today and got some radishes to snack on. The radishes are very low calorie, low carb. 10 medium or 5 large only have 5 calories and 0 carbs. One whole cucumber has 45 cal and 11 carbs..I also bought some gluten free, Wheat free, non-GMO cereal and oat meal, plus some non-gmo quinoa, at the health food store today too. I am getting ready to try adding some grains back to my diet again next week. I am hoping it will post my energy a little.
I decided to my Labs today. I see the Surgeon on thursday to discuss hernia surgery again plus..I decided to move my primary care Doctors visit to Thursday too. I am anxious to see how my labs come out and also feel I need to talk to the doctors about moving forward with some kind of plan and putting some type of care plan in place for me now. I am not sure what direction to go in from here health wise, so I am hoping, being they are doctors with all their education, that maybe they can give me some advice and direction this week when I see them both. I feel I have not made much progress when it comes to the doctors and like I have been going round and round in circles with them all for years now with nothing tangible ever coming from all these visits. In the mean time my health status has changed a lot over the last few years..I really really want to see some action and some type of movement in a positive forward direction this time..
I would really like to get something out of these visits this time..So I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for a fruitful experience...
I know I am rambling today, but Wish me luck anyway..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have lost eight pounds of water. That is around a US gallon. Still more to go.


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