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10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Hugs

I don't use a bread maker. I don't use salt either. I'm on a salt free diet. There are two types of yeast, traditional and fast rising. A lot of people mix in their bread maker then put it in a loaf pan in the oven. I'm a strange duck, I do a lot of things the old way. I do not like short cuts if the quality isn't there. I do understand though that most people don't have time in their busy days. I do have time.

When you get bread mastered try Bagels. They are so much better than store bought. And really easy to make.

It takes a while to get used to no salt but what a difference. Besides there is more than enough salt in the little processed food I use. Salt is not as necessary as we think. There is nothing wrong with my thyroid either.


My spider has gone exploring , he must have got hungry.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
I can watch bugs and insects forever, and get lost in the beauty of nature.
I know you also like to  make bread.  I added twice the salt to a breadmaker recipe, and thought it might stop the bread rising.  However, I actually found a forum for amateur breadmakers, and one person commented that he added 2 instead of 1% salt, and it helped!
Maybe it won't turn out so bad, on a cold day, as a treat when it's cooler tonight.  I'm going to use the oven, so that should help the cool kitchen.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I felt good about a washer solution that can be done Monday, after finding the manual online. I even took pics of the inside myself.
What concerns me is that the eavestrough is leaking through our wall, and the temperatures are dropping so, that it will be hard to dig to do anything temporary.
Hope I focus on something else tonight, since I'd like to go to sleep, and be well rested for tomorrow, even though we're gaining an hour of sleep.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is still trying to snow. The odd small flake is coming down but the majority is hitting the mountains either side of me.

I have a candle stick in the middle of the table that looks like a mushroom. It is home to a little brown spider. Today he was building a web. He has been there a week or more and I don't know what he eats. I find him fascinating. Him/her.
He is just existing, no panic and only one rule, catch food and eat. Everything he does is for a logical reason in his mind.
But then he is not living with a thinking mind the way ours is. He has an inherited set of rules and patterns. He can do nothing else. Evolution has made him the best he can be by survival of the fittest. We on the other hand have choices. Not always the best choices but still ours. Such a gift and so poorly used. We have the ability to be happy yet choose not to be because it is what we have learned. Unlike the spider who lives his whole life doing what he does because he can do nothing else. He can not be anything else and will go to his death from starvation or be eaten. Neither happy or sad, no choice. Yet here are we with choice and we choose something destructive. He would never purposely do that. So why do we do it. Because we can and it won't kill us? Because we have evolved into this to fit in? Because it hasn't killed us off and allowed something better to exist? Evolution is no longer necessary, we have things set in place to protect us. Yet this life we live is slowly killing us and we don't even notice it. Stress shows up in strokes and heart attacks. Lost work time and abuse. And unlike the spider we have choice, we do not have to let life happen around us, we have choice. Yet spiders will be around when we no longer exist. 
I have choice, I will not live in this negative destructive world. I will live in mine. A positive healthier world. Why not after all it is only the flip side of the coin and I control the toss. I can flip it over any time I want to.


Ps, I hope my little spider catches something soon, I've grown to like him.
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning:
 Hi Davit, Hugs, Gailerina, and everyone reading today..
The trips out into nature do give us some sanity I think, some glue to hold us together when things gets to moving to fast like they do sometimes..That's if you like nature that is. If not than for you it maybe something a little more daring like sky diving or whatever makes your hair fly back and your heart sing..
The desert was quite beautiful this time, the rains had worked their magic and the Ocotillo were getting ready to bloom with their reddesertflowers. They are quite stunning in bloom..The quail, doves, roadrunners, hummingbirds,  and numerous other birds that I do not know the names of visited our campsite every morning and stayed with us through out most of the day..and of course the bunnies came by too. We had a Lone Coyote come by each morning at daybreak and he let his greeting with his howl each morning at daybreak. We were not able to see him but we could hear him at the back of our trailer every morning and he would howl his lonely cry and his friends in the distance would answer him back with their cries of support..This is the first time we have had a coyote come this close to us. Wish we could of seen him but the are very shy.
On our fourth day there we packed up our stuff and left our little bit of paradise in the desert and headed home to the big city again..
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I started my day with a walk on the treadmill, and then couldn't change a lightbulb.  Some simple things are so complicated today.
I'll go on youtube, and see what could be wrong, since it's connected to switch with batteries, and I changed them all.  I didn't throw the batteries away, since the problem could be somewhere else, such as the fixture.
I'm happy though, since mom was playing her radio, since I set it up, for the first time in a long time, and got up to clean some veggies, showing some optimism.
My heart jumped for joy, since although she especially washed a black sweater for the day being a day of rememberance, she is still in a positive mood!
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Red

A little bit of sanity to take with you into the big bad world. Another collection of positive memories to bury the negatives that are going to try to surface. Hang onto that, it is worth more than gold. When you get time, share it. Give us some positive memories too.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Red,
Baby, Wedding, or water?  Don't leave me hanging - you didn't tell us about the desert experience?
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi All..
I Just got back for a little camping trip in the desert and and am feeling one with nature and relaxed again.
Good to see you are all alive and well and still kicking as usual..
Talk to you all a bit later 
My Shower is waiting..
Ta Ta for now..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thank you. I have a monitor to keep track. On Monday I'll get some tests done. It might just be sepsis and the antibiotics will take care of that. In the mean time I have cake and a movie and nothing that has to be done.


Some one I know has a new friend, I can't explain why that makes me happy but it does. Believe it or not I'm looking forward to cleaning my kitchen. I like a clean area to work in.

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