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10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I dragged my sore tired body off to town to get a prescription and some more movies. I decided to pick up the case lots I ordered also even though the weight was going to bother my leg. What the hell I can rest when I get home right. Bought perogies also so I wouldn't have to cook anything. Got home to find the neighbour wanted a piece of ground smoothed and some ashes from a brush pile spread where he was putting up a fence. He is bringing home his mules. Put a ladder against the tractor to get on it and kicked it aside when I was sure it would start. I can get off without the ladder but today I was too sore to climb up. Away I went over to his place to do this work. I'm trading for a bit of fuel and him cleaning my driveway this winter. It is supposed to snow tonight so I had to do it today.
Maybe this is why CBT works for me. I just do it like everything else, no if ands or buts, just do it and get on with the next thing. And let it go. Tomorrow the only thought in my head will probably be, "I'm glad I did it" 
It is raining lightly and I can hear it. Tomorrow is a catch up day. I want to get some meals in the freezer. Tomorrow is also the start of my diet change to reduce cholesterol and sugar. it seems the micoplasma that cause my arthritis need cholesterol to reproduce. No one told me this.

Supper time.
10 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit I hope you are ok and feeling better. How is the cut? Staying up late never ends well.

It's getting cold here, but no snow yet. I hope no snow. I think I am at the point in my life I hate the cold, I like spring and fall. Though retiring on a nice island sounds good, though I am way too young to think about retiring.

I made it through my presentation at work, I shook the entire time, but I was behind a podium. I did leave half way through the meeting and hung outside when I started feeling sick. But I did start taking the prescription meds Friday, only time will tell if they are working.
Just trying to make it through each day. I have the final for my class, its due Sunday. I just don't feel like writing 3 essays. But I have to remember to get this done and I am done. My group paper is basically done, which is what the last two weeks is on. Then I can spend 2 months deciding if I want to take the next class and finish this degree or give up.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Stayed up till after one in the morning looking at information and cross referencing. Finding some interesting things that I wouldn't have looked for if I didn't already know to look for them. There is an interesting connection within the top three killers and two other debilitating diseases. The only connection with this so far and anxiety seems to be changes in the body that are foreign and one of these could be toxins which I have first hand knowledge with in the form of hallucinations and unrealistic fears. Anyway it is interesting and will occupy my time and I intend to be my own guinea pig and see if diet can make a change. Something to do while I wait for my leg to get better.

Raining today but changing to snow as the temp drops and continuing to snow all week according to the forecast.

Red, did you get your geraniums planted. I have one in a pot by the french doors that is supposed to got to the root cellar for winter but I might just keep watering it.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not a good day, not a bad day, just a day. 

Made some kindling for morning and played a bit in my shop. Rained but not enough to be noticeable. I'm out of movies. Seem to have pulled a muscle so I can't put much weight on my right leg. Just taking some Tylenol for it. Going to go curl up in my chair for a while with the cats and think about doing dishes. Might after the Tylenol starts to work. Might not either. It's not that important.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you everyone.
 I think it is just the cataracts messing with my depth perception. I should never have missed that step. I did the dishes and got supper, boy was I slow, but it is done. Don't have to look at them in the morning.
I should invent air bags for cripples, something that inflates before I hit the ground. Another good invention would be booster pants to stand me up from a regular chair. Battery powered like a blood pressure cuff.
Well I can't change the past so it isn't important. My phone was going dead so I was hurrying to get another. Hurry does this every time. My friends would say I need a shorter leash.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You have just got to quit falling down and getting hurt my friend..Glad to hear you are ok and didn't break anything this time..Hope you have build that fire up again and are enjoying a nice cup of hot tea right about now....
By the way we got the flower bed ready today and tomorrow I plan on planting the Ivy geraniums. If I am not sore tomarrow that is, if so than it can wait for a while. Hey, I think I am finally learning how to pace myself of course it is out of necessity but even so it is not bothering me at all now. I have made peace with I think.
I have five geraniums named Pink Blizzard and five named Blue Blizzard..They are quite pretty and drought tolerant too..My rolling garden seat worked out great for me today..So I am feeling really good about still being able to do something I love to do..and am looking forward to all the cheery flowers running along the walkway leading to my front door for the rest of the Fall and again in the Spring..It is something to look forward too..
Well that's about if for now..
I'll let you know how the planting goes.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are the poster boy for resilience!
10 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Davit - I'm so sorry to hear you had this injury today.  I'm glad it was nothing worse! 
Have you tried apply ice to help reduce the swelling?  Inspiring to hear how you continue to maintain a positive attitude despite the additional challenge of having a very painful wrist.  And very glad to know it hasn't kept you from typing and posting on the forums!  Wishing you a speedy recovery. 
Vincenza, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not a good day. It started out good but then I missed a step and fell down. Cut my wrist on my copper bracelet. I have some bruises, some pain and I don't walk so good now. Blood pressure is up with the pain. The worst part is that I'm wasting the day now because it's hard to do anything. Could have been worse. 
It is not good to live alone in my condition but I have little choice. Well yes I do, I could move into care. yuk. So I will just shut up and take my chances.
The wind is blowing and I need to cut some kindling for morning. I need a cup of tea and to warm up. I was sitting in my chair with a couple of Tylenol and fell asleep. The fire went out so it is cool in here now. Going to have a butternut squash for supper and at least do the dishes. Then I think I'll watch a movie with the cats. Supposed to warm up tonight and rain tomorrow, getting colder and snowing toward the end of the week.
Looking at the good side, I never broke anything. I just ache like hell now. Time to call the cat in and get that cup of tea.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I hope you have a good day. it is only 10F today so I have the wood stove going. 

I never knew how good I had it till Americans like you told me about your medical system. Still here for now you take your chances with the super bugs but the hospitals are making the rooms negative pressure so it doesn't spread. This means the pressure in the rooms is lower than the hall and vented outside so germs can't spread. Masks and disposable gowns, I first saw this in Vancouver General Hospital.
I think the biggest problem with Doctors in the States is that they are scared to say or do anything they can be sued for.
They don't want to take on anyone who will sue them. If they stick to accepted procedure they can't be sued, even if it doesn't work. Here they are not afraid to tell you your risks or the odds of failure or what your life will be like after. 
After my leg surgery they showed me the Xrays of the pins and the now weak spot, an area of about two inches between the leg pins and the knee pins that I could break if I fell hard. No riding horses anymore because if I break it I lose the leg. I have a crushed vertebrae in my back I was shown the Xrays and explained that the nerves could get crushed if I put too much pressure on it. No jumping or heavy lifting and I was told, it can not be repaired. I disobey and I lose the use of my legs. I'm not going to call him a liar and sue him for causing me to lose work.

I wonder if it is just over population in the States. Everyone wants to live where it is warm. Greater Vancouver is half the population of BC. Which is why I live up here. Besides the Medibus goes to Vancouver for twenty dollars. I don't have to live there.


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