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How´s it going?

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Same same.

Snowing lightly but supposed to get heavier. Temp is just above melting. Good hibernating weather. I have to check what I have for seeds and check germination before ordering more. They are getting expensive. I saved marigolds and holly hocks. I think I will do just the basics and limit the varieties of each family. I'm not terribly excited about it right now. It seems like a lot of work. 
It could be the day after day of overcast and snow is getting to be a bit much. There would be more if it wasn't for the warm weather melting and settling it. 
I have a bowl on my lathe that I am slowly working on. Not all that interested in that either.
Off to the store now, that might wake me up.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
When I make rolls it is 400 F for about 15 minutes or till golden. Don't over cook, they dry out too fast then. They freeze well and are just like fresh when thawed. If you want a hard crust, spray them with water and the sides of the oven when you put them in.
I think it is time to make bagels, it has been a while.

It has been snowing all night and day and surprisingly we still have power. I was plowing snow with the bottom of the car when I went to the store. The highway is only slightly better. I cleaned my driveway with the tractor and will have to do it again. More fun than washing floors. We now have about two feet of snow. So you can imagine the snow banks I have now. Still it is pretty and I am cozy with my wood stove. I have food and if the power stays on I have DVDs. I just don't have chocolate or popcorn. I forgot to buy them. I will live. 
Time to spend some time in my shop anyway. I need to replace the sticks and bowls I gave away so I will have more to give away. But somehow I seem to just want to watch it snow. That will pass.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been so agitated this week. It's been difficult to recover from the power outage, and concerns about it happening again. Maybe I'm eating too much chocolate too. Also, there are a lot of things just rattling around in my brain, and I can't shut it off, again. I suppose I could focus on something, so I can see I've done something at the end of the day. I bought some pizza dough, and can use it to make some dinner rolls. It's risen, so I can roll some of the rolls, and see if I'm lucky. I'm not sure I should use fast or slow heat, but I think I'll try slow heat, since fast heat didn't work in the past. It's only 2.50 cents anyway, some olive oil, some flour dusting.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I braved the roads and the ice in town. And I stuck to it making the soup instead of putting it off so I'm having steamed pudding with lemon sauce. Very rich. Nice treat though. 

Going to call in Jasper and see if he wants to watch a movie with me. The screen still interests him.

I should get some popcorn.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I woke up last night to clear sky and stars. It didn't last long. Back overcast and light snow. Just enough coming down to be pretty. I'll probably brave the roads and go to town today.

It is soon going to be time to order seeds. There will be less this year. The potato patch I will plant to beans as a plow down manure crop. I'm going to go with just the basics and skip the green house. No tomatoes. Simpler life, more flowers.


Green house needs new plastic and I'm not going to rush it.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I decided to drag my butt out to the tractor and clean the driveway before it got any deeper. It is supposed to snow for the next week. It took almost an hour, but I feel better for it. Heavy wet snow. So now I'm back to watching it come down with a bowl of soup and a cup of tea. 

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Computers do have some good points, like music libraries. I can build my own playlist and don't have to listen to the songs I don't want. This time of year everybody is competing to see who can destroy the most Christmas songs. Porky pig might be funny once but like the chipmunks that is about it. So now the radio will be full of boxing week sales. 
Ah, maybe it is just me. Post Christmas blues. It is like the guillotine. Boxing day it drops and you are back to reality. Another day with people screaming at you to spend what ever balance you have left on your Visa Card. It is okay, the new year is coming and you can fix it then. 
I may well be the only one with no debt balance on my cards. There really in nothing I need. I can't buy a new body with Visa. 
Sitting here watching the snow coming down I wonder if it is my disconnection from the reality of the artificial world most people live in. With all this snow it is a very clean white peaceful world. I'm going to mess it a bit with the tractor I think, just so I can get out the driveway. I hate too since it is so pretty. 
A good day to think about all those better winter days from the past. There certainly were some good ones. I bet you have some too.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today will be a day of getting back into the swing of things and maybe making some plans for the future..
I am thinking about maybe starting a new medication soon and also maybe going out of town on a little camping trip sometime soon. I am not sure in which order yet or if at all. I am still in the thinking process and after that the planning stages may follow.. 
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit, good luck and safe trip to you today while on the road and at your appointment this morning..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Richard shovelled off my steps and deck but there are a few inches of fresh snow on them and more coming down lightly. Getting close to Christmas so I might have to remove the snow in the driveway myself. Well it is warm enough for the tractor. One appointment only this morning, Highway will not be good. It would be nice if they would put some sand on it. A few years back someone went off the road and knocked a power pole down on Christmas day. I had to cook my turkey in my wood cook stove. Candle lit supper was unintentional. What will be will be. Shortest day has past. 
I don't have to go out much, and not at night but still it would be nice to get up in daylight.


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