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Turn that frown upside down :-)

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I agree with you.  You said it beautifully.  Thank you.

11 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have been taking life a little easier and reminding myself that it's ok..Resting when I need or want to..It a new thing for me but I am learning..there should be no guilt in resting and being a little lazy. It is a challenge but I am getting better at it every day..I have been a little under the weather for about 10 days now..So this time I lounged around and took my meds and let my body rest. I just kept telling myself this is what I need to do now and I did just that..and I started to feel a lot better this morning..
So today I went out and enjoyed a leisurely stroll at a beautiful and very large park about about a 40 minute drive from home. I took it slow and easy and just let myself enjoy turned out to be a very nice day..and on the way home we stopped and did a little shopping..and got myself a new swimsuit. I may not be skinny and young anymore but like my partner said you deserve to enjoy you life just like everyone else does..He was right and I did..Now I have a new swimsuit to wear while I enjoy my walks in the surf on the beach and on the bay this summer..
As for chemo or cancer treatments or surgery and weather we need them or not for ourselves or our pets..I think it is a very personal decision..Ten years ago I took cancer drugs and injections for 6 months to improve and save my life. This I was told later was akin to doing Chemo every day for 6 months straight..Yes I was cured once it was all said and done but I have never really bounced back like I should have and have had lots of health problems ever since.
I though I would be less tired if I did these treatments but that was not the case..These treatments were very hard on my body and mind..I have continued to go to this world famous clinic for all these years..hoping they could make it all better..That is not the case..I had kidney surgery last year because they said I had a 80% chance of having cancer..I never wanted surgery but felt my arm was being twisted into doing it so I did. Now I have two hernias because of this surgery and come to find out I never had cancer..They have been talking about more surgery to correct these hernias and this would be a very painful surgery with no guaranties.
One thing I do know is that I have been letting my self rest and have been trying to stay away from doctors as much as possible and I am feeling better for now and that is all that matters to me, the here and now..Not a bunch of fears of what might happen because of this or that..I have made up my mind to focus on the positive and to not let these money hungry health clinics steer my down the wrong path again. I am not going to let them scare me into things I don't want to do, ever again..
Sometimes it comes down to the quality of ones life and that is where I am at this stage of my life...
I am not going to do something else that I will live to regret when it come to my health again..I want to enjoy my life now I do not want to be so worried about tomorrow that I can not enjoy today ever again..I am going to enjoy my life and being me..and walking down the beach with my new swimsuit on with butterflies, hummingbirds and flowers all over it..This is my idea of living life..Live is good and life is sweet right now today, and thats the way I like it..
Life is short..So enjoy every day to its fullest.. 
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks, Davit.

11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thomas didn't know he was going to die. He just knew his body didn't work and he looked to me to fix it. I always fixed it and he often needed fixing. So I fixed it again. I saw to it that he was not in pain and fed him what he could eat till he couldn't, then I let him go. He didn't want to die and I didn't want him to. But he went quietly in his sleep in his house on his mat. As it should be. The way I want to go. My friend Monica rescues dogs and cats and spends a lot of money making them comfortable in their last days but when it is time to go they get put down. Quietly and peacefully as possible. Not all animals are this lucky. Lots get put down just because they are not wanted. A lady took her very expensive cat to the vet to be put down because it licked the butter. The vet refused and a friend of my brothers took it. He already had too many cats but said he would find the money some where to feed it. I would do the same. I believe we are responsible. But it is the same as humans, when the quality of life is gone then what do you do. We are there for them, not the other way around. Sometimes you have to do what you don't want to do. It is called responsibility. I look at it as what would I want if it was me. But then I am closer to being a cat than a human. And yes I would not want Chemo if I knew there would still be pain and no hope. But I'm old, what if I was young? Would it make a difference? Too many questions. The one thing we can be sure of from the time we are born is that at some time we will have to make decisions we don't want to. Thank God there is CBT to ease the pain. Because there will be pain.

Shari, tomorrow is another day, it just might be the greatest day of your life. At least we can hope. 


11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That's funny Hugs!  I'm glad it turned out to be more of a funny post than TMI (too much information :-)

11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Being "bummed" makes two puns. 
And remember, it takes two to tango, but 4 buns
11 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shari, 

Thanks for sharing this with us, glad to hear you have a good way to ensure situations don't control you. 
It is so helpful to learn how to challenge negative thoughts. There are some very helpful sessions on this topic in the online program as well for you or other members that want to try and improve in this area. 

All the best, 

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Fair warning - viewer discretion is advised :-)  I was so looking forward to going ceramic dog treasure hunting today.  I felt like a kid last night in anticipation of Christmas morning.  Well, if you've seen the movie Dumb and Dumber where Jim Carrey puts laxatives in his friend's drink, I was up for two hours last night with the same problem.  I'm fine now, it's all behind me (pardon the pun), but I was too tired to go out and I received bad news via email about my friend Chris's dog. Cricket has cancer and, although I don't judge people, I have a hard time when people let their pets suffer, because they can't let them go.  I've had two other friends who put their pets through chemo and radiation and it's not going to cure them, it just extends their pain and suffering, in my opinion.  So, needless to say, I was bummed about missing out on the day I look forward to every week and I was also worrying about someone else's dog.  Then, I decided not to let circumstances rule my mood and I made a conscious choice to "don't worry, be happy."  So what, I have no energy to go out, so I went ceramic dog treasure hunting online and found some great buys and bought a pack of dogs and they'll arrive next week, so I'll have something to look forward to.  It may not be Christmas today, but it will be next week :-)  I also decided, it was none of my business what Chris does with her dog.  I prayed for them and that's all I could do and I moved on instead of dwelling on it. What you can't change, don't dwell on, and move on.  I'm also going to have to pass on my massage on Monday.  My muscles haven't recovered from the deep tissue massage last week, so I'm going to try every two weeks and see how that works.  I was bummed about that too, but it's Memorial Day weekend in the States and it's crowded with traffic jams everywhere.  So, I'm looking at the situation as a long weekend to relax, enjoy myself and have peace and quiet.  It's all about perception and attitude, not the circumstance which is neither good or bad, it is what it is.  Now, I've been content all day and I'm glad I didn't let "things" ruin my mood.  I control my mood and I don't allow situations to control me.  I have the power and the choice.  I would have missed out on great finds online if I would have been out and about today.  So, relax, enjoy your life, and when it throws you a curve ball, throw it right back and don't take a hit.  Life is too short to get bogged down with challenges.  We can choose to make them little or big.  I know my choice, what about you?  :-)

Enjoy your weekend and Happy Memorial Day!!!


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