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15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
my first week here

Amelia, welcome,  I hope you stay around and work the program, talk to us in this support group and find much success here.  I know it has helped me very much. 

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hello Happiness;
Welcome to the forum - yes depression sucks, but we are all working to find a way out and support each other through working this program and through life circumstances.  Welcome and continue to share along the journey.  There is light at the end of our tunnels!   Though it is dim at times, it is still light!

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My latest successes...

Diva, sounds like a great accomplishment to me.  I have to learn to take compliments instead of bragging on my bargains or minimizing or rationalizing away what they say to them!  Sounds like you had some Diva fun time and that is important too.  Keep it up! 
15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Alot of challenging later...

Mom of 3,  I have a nasty habit of taking on someone else's pain.  Granted it doesn't relieve theirs at all, it adds to mine.  For example, I don't think I was able to let go and grieve at dad's funeral because I kept sympathizing and trying to empathize what my grandmother was going through.  Or I watch a tv show with someone doing something embarrassing, I take on their feelings.  I think it is part of codependency and it has worsened since my depression became to be.  Just a thought, like some feedback if you can relate.

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mood Tracker

The problem I have is that no matter what I do, the depression is looming in the background.  Maybe for a split second it seems I may be not feeling depressed but after the event, situation it comes back with a vengeance.  I don't know how to explain to people how I can appear to be happy but the depression is still there.  I haven't gotten to negative core beliefs.  That is what I was starting on when my recent situation presented itself.  It is especially there if I mess with my sleep schedule, my eat schedule, my routines - period!  And it takes forever to get back to where I feel like I enjoy things again if only for a few moments.  Most of the time my best moment is when I wake up in the morning.  I don't know if I'm making any sense.
15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
technical difficulties

I am sorry I can't find the e-mail to address this question to the technical folks at this site.  However, I started session 4 and it says I must take the Goldberg Test, I thought it was the one listed at the top of the column on the left - it says WB-DAT.  I took that and it didn't move me along in Session 4, I also looked for a link within the text I had been reading.  Anyone tell me where I find this as I cannot proceed without it.

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starting over again

Ralph, I think it is difficult to find a therapist that as Wildcat indicated is up to par with those of us intelligent enough to thoroughly learn about our disease and also to realize that we are ultimately responsible for what occurs in our treatment.  The first point I'd like to make regarding therapist is one size doesn't fit all and it's like any other doctor (to me anyway), I have to be able to relate to them, them listen and give feedback that helps me, I think I should have a say in what I do medically and should have the information to make choices.  The other thing I realized after some time was that I was sabotaging my own treatment because I knew and had studied like you. I'd give the "right" answers and not what was really going on....something for you to think about.  I told this therapist up front that I do that (very difficult confession of sorts) and he calls me on it.  I need that. 
As for medication, I think you've accepted that it may be something you need forever.  I know we all fight this battle at one point in our lives.  I remember I got "well" once and didn't need my psychiatrist objected, but I insisted and ultimately crashed and burned(called him and scheduled an appointment).
The job thingy, I am working well below my former salary as a counselor in the second to lowest position that there is at the facility I work at.  They have offered me a position as a counselor but I know I am not ready for that.  I started out working just two days a week and after almost a year moved to full-time - slowly moved to full time.  I then had an opportunity to move up so I took it.  Yes, it is a kick in the pants, but it was that or sit at home and feel sorry for self.  I know one day I may be able to move up front and that opportunity will be there as a counselor, but one step at a time.  This depression thing is new to me - dx in 2004. 
It helped me to know that I was not alone in the issues that I faced.  One thing I've learned from being on this website is that many people have had the same experience with therapist, work and getting "well".  The hardest thing I had to do is to accept me as the person I am today, not look back and not project into the future.  This is very difficult, so I take it one day at a time.  I maintain a healthy fear that I will not return to where I was when this all started.  
The religion thing - well, I am a spiritual person and I figure God has a plan for me too.  I don't know what it is, but it obviously includes the trials and tribulations of being depressed, so I accept that.  I think one day I will know why, but in my spiritual beliefs, it is His will, in His time and not mine (that's a hard one and a day to day thing too).   I do know I have to do my part.
Hope this gives you food for thought, feel that you are not alone and encouragement in obtaining work.  Going back to work was one of the best decisions I made even if it was below my education/experience level.  I am working and I have goals. Some days it is just to get up and go to work.  I know you know what I mean.  I could not work at my former counseling position with my current level of  functioning.  Hope- it doesn't mean I won't one day!
Hang in there Ralph

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starting and Stopping Medication

Mom of 3, I am diagnosed with Major Depression not Bipolar Disorder and take a medication for Bipolar/Seizures.  It is Lamictal.  I tried all types of antidepressants and did not find anything that helped me not be depressed.  This does the best of anything I have found.  My insurance does pay for most of it.  However, I don't know if it has approval everywhere to treat Major Depression so that may be an insurance glitch.  I have not had weight gain (nor loss, dern it, nor issues with libido).  I still feel depressed but I am able to function with the depression where as before I stayed in the bed almost 24/7.  I've tried seroquel, trazadone, effexor, cylexa, wellbutrin, prosac, abilify, oh the list goes on....Effexor worked but I kept telling the doctors I was having these brain zaps, they told me I was crazy - a neurologist, psychiatrist and general practitioner.  It is very important that you take that medication each day at the same time!!!!!!  I called the pharmaceutical company eventually-they called it battery head or brain shivers.  It's real and it happens, but only when I wasn't taking it at the same time.  I never made the correlation.  When I was getting off of it, it took me twice as long to get off of it and the brain shivers continued until 4 months later.  It is not a side effect that everyone has. 
Mom of 3, I know it feels like we are guinea pigs, but considering there is not much knowledge about the brain and how it works and that meds for other conditions work the same way - some find on the first try a med that lowers blood pressure, it took my dad three different ones to find one that worked.  So don't give up the ship!  I also have read about alternative medicine, but I'm to chicken to try it, though I do take fish oil for cholesterol and it has some mood stabilizing effects.
Okay, I'm done now.  I'm just bored.

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
what is the goldberg test and where do I find it?

windsybarbie, I am having this problem as well.  Wildcat said that if you take the WB-Dat which we already have and then use the green panel on the side of the page to move to the next page (instead of hitting the "next" button) we will be able to progress.  I hope this makes sense.  I posted in this section under "Technical Difficulties" and that is the reply, also a moderator is checking into it to fix the issue. 

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Reality hits home

I've finally got to spend the day alone.  It's been since November 11th since I've not been around people all day.  I am accustomed to being by myself.  I like it!  I've enjoyed today, computer, watching tv, napping, ordering pizza (I need to go to the store, but I didn't want to be around anyone today), played with my dog.  And now as night has come, I dread tomorrow.  I am not returning to work but scheduled to go to dad's house and work on cleaning things out.  If I were working, dad would have called me to make sure I was up and I would chat with him, know the weather for the day and let him know what is going on with me and my son.  If he had seen my son, he would tell me about his visit.  A daily ritual for 2 1/2 years.  I'll miss that in the a.m.  I'm trying not to think about it.  Set my alarm for later in the a.m.  Pretend it is not a weekday.  I knew that "grieving" would have to kick in sooner or later....I've been so numb from exhaustion.  I just dread the adjustment without him in my life. I dread  having to go through everything - mom's stuff is where she left it when she died 2 years 7 months ago.  Dad never moved it.  You know I want their stuff because it is from both sides of the family going back to my great, great grandparents. Family is so important to me, so I want to keep those things from my heritage, however, I think I'm afraid to go out there and see my parents not there.  Time changes things, I don't want to go through all these emotions, I just want to get them over with, feel the emptiness from the place they left and accept it.  Have the memories that are all treasures.  Remember the good times, forgetting the bad.  I'm already projecting as next weekend would be my weekend to cook for him and what am I going to do with the food I don't eat that is in the fridge that I cook for him.  I won't have something to occupy my weekend for 4 hours.  I need to follow my own advice and take it one day at a time, but my mind wonders, my heart aches and my tears fall.  Thanksgiving was different, Christmas will be different.  Trying to figure out new things to do, so it won't be so obvious that they are not here - is that possible?  Thanksgiving was okay, but it's not like you can forget that they aren't there.  I guess I was kidding myself when I thought I was doing okay.  Cause I ain't okay right now.