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14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I need someone to help

Hi: just joined yesterday...not having panic attacks anymore - been over 15 yrs. so it does get better! however, since I have been ill lately, negative thinking pattern and anxiety showing up and I want to nip it in the bud.
Addressing the therapist switching - when I had my first panic attack yrs. ago, went to hospital and they asked if I wanted to see psychiatrist, so of course, I said yes because I sure wanted to find out what the heck this was about.  Found he did not suit me and after 4 visits I switched to a psychotherapist instead - got to see him more often and could actually have a conversation! the psychiatrist didn't talk much and I needed to talk and be heard - so yes, it is definitely a good thing to switch if you are uncomfortable with your present therapist.  I'm not sure how long a person should try - I think perhaps, one can tell if you "click" or not (?) I also was raped at 18 and someone tried to kill me too. I had stuffed it and never really thought about it until later - these things always come out sooner or later.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
so what?

I remember my "aha" moment...I was very busy and had to get things done - sure enough a few symptoms started creeping in before an attack - I was so fed up with this - I said "fine, you do what you have to do, I'm doing what I have to do" and sure enough it eased off.  Sometimes using a form of paradox works - the fear leaves you when you tell it to "just go ahead, beat faster, sweat more, choke me more..." you have released the fear of fear
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
positive affirmations

Good Morning!  when I feel the symptoms starting I just tell myself - "oh, I guess I'm overtired or stressed" because symptoms often start then.  When I tell myself this, I just slow down, take some deep breaths, change my surroundings (use distractions - in a store, read labels on cans, look for a certain size, etc.sometimes you don't even know what you are reading, but it doesn't matter because you are focusing on something else, not the fear) and know that if I take care of myself, I'll be o.k.  Also I use grounding - that is, if I'm grocery shopping and my heart suddenly starts to beat faster, I hold the cart's handle and since I've told myself, this is a safe place holding the handle, I start to relax, and nobody knows!
One affirmation is: "I've been through this before, I was alright".   I find that as soon as you don't fight the symptoms and let them be, they fade faster.
Good quote:  "Our doubts are traitors which make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt".
Ever tried running the coldest water possible on your inside wrists?  When animals have fought, they often go to the river to cool down - this helps the parasympathetic nervous system to slow down.
Last week I had to give a short intro and speech.  I knew I would be alright even though a bit nervous.  I visualized myself giving it before I went to bed the night before - and although it didn't go perfectly - I forgot something I wanted to say - no one knew except me and I congratulated myself afterwards for a job well done!  So don't forget to pat yourself on the back for any little or big success.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Feeling faint on Ativan and Klonopin.

yes, lovely ol' dizzy! I used to get it a lot - sit and look at a far spot somewhere on the wall, or outside at a tree, etc. You don't have to stare at it, just focus around there. Do some breathing exercises and smile - pretend you are just fine, you are taking a break, that's all.  When ready, slowly get up and have a lovely glass of water/herbal tea (avoid caffeine) and affirm that you are fine, it's just a little glitch for now, and as you heal this won't be a problem.
hope it helps.  Be patient with yourself.  Sometimes we forget to take good care of ourselves, diet and exercise, etc.  If you had a friend who was going through what you are going through, you'd put your arm around her and tell her, "It's going to be alright.  I love you, I'm here for you".  Do that to yourself, you are just as important as a friend.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Afraid to write it down

Visualize yourself taking your fears - comments -  and throw them into the garbage can!  Just like that - bundle them up and through them out! Every time a negative thought comes into your head, visualize yourself opening the can, and toss the negativity into the garbage.
Another thing I do if I having negative thoughts pop up, I shout "STOP" very loudly in my head and it works!  I did have to practice a bit, but it really works, no kidding.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi:  I have found that if I have a hot, hot bath before bedtime (rather than shower) it relaxes the muscles.  Then if you like warm milk, a cup before bedtime helps too. You can add a drop of vanilla if you don't like it plain.  Also, try a relaxation exercise, deep breathing or meditation, whichever works best for you before going to bed - let yourself know that it is o.k. to be concerned about financial problems - this is normal and a good thing - but right now you are going to sleep.   Hope this helps.

14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Will I ever be the same again?

You brought back some memories!  I remember as a teenager being so shy and insecure that I could not eat or drink on dates.  I was often told I could be a model (so I guess I looked o.k.) but I sure was not o.k. inside.  I was terrified I might burp or chew funny or choke or who knows what.  I could be starving, but would not eat in front of them.  I was miserable as others were having such a wonderful time and I just sat there pretending not to be hungry.  Anyway, in time with more experience and confidence, that feeling went away and I don't have this feeling at all anymore.
I'm telling you this, hoping that as you study CBT, and gain confidence and understanding for what you are going through, you will be o.k. too.  It can get better.  Good luck.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
feeling of small shock,poking at the heart/chest

Hi:  I experienced small shock-like happenings in my eyes when moving them quickly and also in my head.  Most of the time they happened when I was out walking the dog.  Anytime SSRI changed - lower dosage for instance, I noticed this happened.  I did mention to doctor but she didn't seem to understand, or know anything about it.  I think it was the tapering off and now that I am off medication SSRI, no more little shocks.  It only lasted about 6 wks. or so.  Hang in there, it will pass.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Topic: Where does Social Anxiety come from?

yes, I was a little on the shy side, but once feeling comfortable with the situation, was fine.  One thing I rememer is that my mother would say to people "Oh, she's shy" and then she would answer the questions posed to me by the visitors/friends.  I didn't get the opportunity to speak up.  Seems to me, it's o.k. if you flounder around a bit, let the responses come out naturally, hesitant or not. Although my mother was trying to be helpful, it didn't give me the chance to "grow" in social life.
I remember seeing a study on babies from around crawling age to 3-5 yrs.  The first encounter was mothers and their babies placed in a large circle.  Then they waited to see if the baby would crawl away from the mother towards some toys which were placed in the middle of their circle.  Apparently, those who were reluctant to leave their mother's side to explore, were still shy types when  studied in the later years.  Those who had happily crawled towards the toys without worrying about leaving their mother's side, were found more outgoing. 
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What is Social Anxiety?

most definitely - I was afraid to speak up even though I knew my subject well, even though I knew, I knew it better than whoever was speaking. How sad is that?
We all have a basic right to voice our opinion.  (we mind our good manners hopefully).
What got me over this, is understanding that I "share" my knowledge with others.  It may be of benefit, it may be informative, it may be just funny.  People can chose to take it or leave it.  When you think of it as sharing, it becomes easier. Remember the talented muscian who composes beautiful music - but no one hears it because he was shy, fearful of judgement.  His music could be a gift to us.  Same goes for artists, poets, writers.  I try to remember that someone out there just may need to hear what I say.  How nice to know; I may have helped someone today.  Reminds me of giving a smile to someone on the street; you never know what kind of day they are having and just may need that smile.
Another fear is dancing on the dance floor before anyone else is up and you think everyone is watching your every step so that your movements are quite wooden.  Well, I bet no one even cares and is probably thinking how brave you are to be the first up. Something to remember is that just about everyone worries about being the best they can be. 
Another is a fear of being unable to perform a task - one which you know like the back of your hand - in front of certain people.  You start to blush, the blush upsets you because now you think they are noticing you are flustered...and on and on. 
So to everyone out there who wants to write here and hesitates - hey, we are all the same. Let us learn from each other.
I kind of went on a little long here...oh well.  It just wanted to come out and this is a good/safe place to rant/vent.