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10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have been reading a article in the AARP Bulletin, Titled " Get moving for a Healthy Brain, by Margery D. Rosen. I tired to type it up here for everyone to read but unfortunately got logged out and lost it..Anyway the article is all about how exercise can wart off dementia and how not matter how old were are or no matter what our health condition it is never to late to reap the benefits of exercising..Just 150 minutes of aerobic exercise spread over a week will give you benefits. This is the new Gold Standard..
Reading this article inspired me to get out and doing a little walking yesterday. I had a great walk at large park yesterday called Balboa Park. The weather was great and we found lots of shady trees to walk under. The lath house botanical garden was lushous and green and the Koi swimming around the water lillies in the huge pond were lively and happy..It was a very good day and refreshed my soul..and as a bonus my blood sugar and my blood pressure reading were great when I got back and my was brain clearer too..I just love boosting the hippocampus and the chemical my levels of BDNF..which is the "Miracle-Gro for the brain." BDNF is a chemical that stimulates the formation of new neurons in the hoppocampus, the are involved in the memory, learning and the ability to plan and make decisions.Aerobic exercise jump starts that process according to the newest research at the Stanford Center of Longevity.
Well it's off the get my exercise for today..
Talk to later.
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I did some mowing yesterday and stopped when I needed too. Was pretty wiped out after that so I sent the rest of the day doing paperwork. I sent my Doc my BP reads for this week on the new patient portal and will be recording and sending in more next week. If this patient portal works, than I should hear something from someone I would think since my BP is higher than he wants it to be. Next I called Champva Program Integrity and let them know that the clinic send me a refund check. The person I am working with forgot to transfer his calls when he got off so my call went through. I apologized and he said it was fine not to worry and that my news made his day..I thanked him for his help and let him know that the chapter was finished on that one and now I am working on a $500 and $700 claim with the Clinics Sleep Center and also the private contractor that rents out sleep apnea equipment..They failed to sent in documentation of medical necessity for those two and they were denied payment bymy health insurance..So I sent this week scanning and emailing correspondence to another one of the many Billing Depts at Scripps Clinic/Hosp..
I am not sure when or if this will ever end..One thing that is for sure it is hard on my health, my BP is up, it affects my blood sugar, I am tired and I have nightmares at night.  I talk in my sleep and last night Edd said that I was repeating this, Help, wake me up. Help, wake me up..and did so several times so he gently shook me and woke me up. I was still feeling the trauma of the dream when I woke up..I have lots of nightmares. I am tired today again.
Today I am going to try to forget my troubles for a while and relax in some way..Not sure how yet but one thing you can count on is that I am working on it in some way..Even if these things are still hanging on to me..
That's it for yesterday and today..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley
In my less hectic and more adventurous days I even made fruit leather and dried apples. I imagine I have fifty pounds of apple sauce. I have 5 gallons of Cider and will fill milk jugs with juice. The quickest way to process apples is to use the peeler that peels cores and slices, cut them in four and soak for a minute in salt and ascorbic acid water then bag and freeze. And there are sooooo many nice apples. But I would like to do something less fattening than pies. Today I will make more pies and freeze them. Some of these trees have to go, there are way too many apples.

Any way it is a nice day and I'm going to enjoy it.

10 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congratulations Red! You won against the odds! Was very happy to read this.
What about apple sauce Davit? A pretty obvious choice I guess. Have you looked on pinterest?  Are you on pinterest? I think it is fantastic for creative ideas and love looking at it - I think you might enjoy it too

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had a good day. The weather man is lying. 28C my butt, it is down to that now. Well into the 30s today, I did laundry this morning, never a chore. And I put a bucket of apples through the peeler. Froze enough apple pieces for twelve pies. Of course they will be mostly 9" because that is the size of my pans but they will be well filled. I need ideas on what to use them for besides pies because there will be another dozen tomorrow, and the freezer down stairs has much more than a dozen and the freezer in the kitchen has pies in it. I'm starting to fill the third freezer. I'll be putting juice in it though and that takes up room. I got the oil in the car changed and picked more apples when I came home, picked some more beans, a round zucchini to stuff next week and dug up a potato growing among the squash. Had spaghettini for supper. Still haven't made the cake. Now for a sip of wine and watch a movie. 
A totally anxiety free day. Even the cats are in tonight. Jasper is filthy from visiting me in the garden and rolling. Tomorrow I will stuff and cook a chicken for a change. So it is going to be a long day. So just a sip of wine.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Is spite of my anxiety I won..I received a refund check from the big corporate giant health care clinic today after weeks of tenacity..Edd said I clamped down on them and wouldn't let go..So I guess I used my anxiety to my advantage this time.
There was One last bit of anxiety when we went to their bank to cash the $234.00 check..I have not been in real bank in a couple of years, anyway you couldn't just walk in the door of this bank..It had a metal detector and locked double doors. You had to walk through the first door, then a metal detector, talk to someone on a intercom that you can't hear or understand and then after that they decide if they are going to let you through the second door..and into the bank. I wonder what they would do on a busy day at this bank. Man they must be scared at the banks these days. After all that I get up to the teller aka a investor specialist and he asks for ID. I though my drivers was enough but then he asks for a second ID so I hand him my Military ID and let him know so one died for that ID so I would like it back..Anyway he decides there is a problem with the Corporate Giants check, it seems to have two different check numbers on it..Well about this time I am thinking this guy better cash this check especially after he made me put my thumb print on it..He goes and talks to some gal and comes back and hymns and haws and finally decides to cash the check..
Man oh man a womans work is never done..
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was up till 2 a.m scanning and emailing billing paperwork last night or should I say this morning..doesn't matter.
So I have been a bit tired today and been taking Lasix and resting at home today. Well not really one of the computers was acting up so I have been working on it all day and did a lot of thinking while I was at it..
I decided that I don't really want to take the class this time, so I went in and dropped it..
The instructor has never really done much teaching since I have been in her class the last few years. I though this year she would put her best foot forward because the price of her class tripled but she didn't so this time I just couldn't do nothing and let it slide anymore so I had to drop her class..
I got the all the information from the ladies in class yesterday that I wanted and then some about the monthly Guild meeting at one library and the knitting and crochet meeting at another, plus beading..and of course the sit and sewing at Jimmy's Sewing machine shop 2 x monthly..These are all free of charge and I can still meet up with the ladies to visit and sew and thats the real reason I have been taking the class for the last few years anyway..I never really learned much from the instructor Kathy anyway. I really had to teach myself to quilt with books, dvd and online youtube videos..You know can learn how to do just about anything online these days..My son let me in on that a few years back..and he sure was right..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning every one. It is getting hot already. I just loaded a deepfreeze into the bucket of the tractor and set it on the deck for the winter. A lot of work for an old fart like me but I did it. Now I have to wash it out and plug it in. I'm having a good day so far, even mowed a bit of lawn. I plan on hooking up the sprinklers again since it won't rain now till monday if that. Having a tea break. I'll check later to see how many scrapes and bruises I have doing this alone. While I have the tractor running I will load up garbage to burn and put it where I can burn it when it does rain. I aught to be thoroughly bagged by evening. I must remember to take calcium, it is what keeps me sane and functional. I'll park the tractor in the garden after so I can get the apples too high up by standing in the bucket. Some of these apples are at the top of the tree more than ten feet off the ground. My feet get sore standing on a ladder. Have to find time to go to town also some time.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Speaking about settleing back into how it was. Well I got a little adventurous yesterday and went by the class to see how the instructor and the ladies in class have been doing today.
I spent some unexpected time in the hospital this last year and lots of time at the doc's and recovering so I have missed the ladies in the quilting class..They have more than tripled the class price because of budget cuts..The class was $20 for a semester at the Adult school now it is $54 and the instructor isn't much of a instructor anymore but we love her..There were only a handful of ladies in class this time but we talked and laughed and caugth up a bit..We didn't do much sewing but that was ok we enjoy each others company..They talked me into signing up for class again to keep the number up..Only 5 or 6 showed up for class and I think you need 8 or the class gets dropped..So I guess they need me and I need them so it was good..I found out about the Quilting guild again and a knitting and crochet class that is held at a library for free on Mondays and the would like me to come... I do crochet and knit so that should be fun..and the quilting guild does charity work which I am interested in..Plus there is a lady named June that isn't in the quilting class now and I would like to see how she's doing. I really like her. She is a Veteran..and lost her son to a illness from his time in the war last year. The guild meets once a month and that is good..and the ladies also meet at a sewing machine shop every other friday and spend the day sewing together..
So I think I may have found me a save little niche in the big bad world..and they need me and I need them too..Even if we don't always sew like we should..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Even once a person is better it is too easy to settle back to how it was. So if you find yourself putting things off take it as a warning this is happening. 

I certainly didn't want to drive for an hour to sit in a doctors office for half an hour and then have blood drawn for tests, but I did. And it was okay. Not good but okay. The drive with the leaves turning was nice but I was too late for the salmon run but I stopped and looked anyway. The vets was more painful, $140.00 for cat food. Jasper is going to cost that much too when I take him to be fixed. Next "I don't want to do" is an oil change.

But these things have to be done to prevent set backs.


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