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Feeling nearly 100% and then bad anxiety again

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Good post.

14 years ago 0 195 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for all the kind and helpful thoughts. Sorry so late in responding back.

I have an addition to add to my post. It's been 10 days since I made that post about my anxiety attack on my way home from work. In those ten days, I began doing yoga again. It wasn't 2 days before I cleared my head of many bothersome thoughts and fears.
I decided to start the yoga again because it's what worked for me many times. It's only for about 15 minutes and I focus on my breathing and stretching deeper into stretches as my breathing relaxes me. I was always very good at yoga. So now I have mixed it into my workouts. I had a pretty good week once I started the yoga. The carpal tunnel I mentioned has improved. I am now back to my weight workouts.
OK, here's what happened today. I was doing my job at inspecting for termites when I suddenly became confused and started to dissociate or feel derealisation on the way to one of my stops. And while I was doing the next inspection, I became confused while doing the paperwork in the office I was inspecting and felt like panicking. I began to tap my foot as I wrote just to distract myself. It worked. It was scary, but I dug in and got through it. I had taken 1/2 a valium, in the morning and half just before I went to this stop. Then I remember that I had just eaten lunch about an hour before and maybe my blood sugar played a part in this. Whatever happened, I nearly panicked, but tried to convince myself that I did not need to and did not.
But I went on with my day and finished strong and came home to my wife. I walked in the door and she asked me what was wrong. Now does she know me or does she know me? LOL I guess my body language gave it away. I felt exhausted and when she saw me she knew something was wrong. It's funny how her jesture made me feel calmer. Then I had to go back out because I forgot to go to the pharmacy. That was another experience that angered me. They never seem to get it right. There's always something that holds up my order.
But I finished my night off a few minutes ago with some yoga and then rode the bike for 15 minutes.
Thanks for listening,
14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Wrestler,
Be sure to notice the positive things that you stated...I liked that although you were worried about your anxiety, that you were able to finish with those positive thoughts and experiences.  This is ongoing for all of us, so it is surely not a perfect road.  I think the people on this site are really encouraging since they have been through it too.  I read the title of your post and felt like it was exactly what I was thinking!  I worked through the program and was able to decrease daily anxiety well.  In the past, I posted that my first terrible panic attack was on an airplane.  This past week, we found out that my husband's grandmother is very sick and has a poor prognosis.  I was a mess all day at work struggling with the thought of getting on a plane, let alone four flights, and the decision to go be with my new family and support my husband this weekend.  I really don't want panic and avoidance to run my life so I finally booked the flights with him, but I am so scared, pretty much terrified!!  And I don't want to make this week about me when there are more important things for him and our family to be focused on.  I'm trying to think positive thoughts, printed out panic center pages, and am working on getting distractions/meds ready, but I'm still so scared!  So, I totally understand how you feel with feeling 100%, then having bad anxiety again!  You have reminded me to look for the positive now and from the past.  Good luck and please keep posting.
14 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Wrestler,
thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, it happens to me a lot too. and it sucks but like you said there is a little nice thing in the day. But the best thing I can say to myself is that tomorrow may be a better day and I try to focus on the good. I have trouble exercising sometimes too, I think that something bad may be happening because of the symptoms of exercise, so I just stop and try to compliment myself for even doing a few mins and I say I can do it again later. And a few days may go on like this until I'll realise that I'm ok with it and keep at it till the end. I get really obsessed about negative comments too and sometimes it just can't be helped... that is just me.. so I let myself dwell on it and then a few days later, I say, "geez why was I dwelling on it for?" and laugh about it. 

14 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Wrestler,
I am sorry you had a bad day.  Try not to let is discourage you.  It is not a set back it was just a difficult day. 
I am glad you and your wife had a nice day together.  It sounds like you managed this difficult time very effectively! Congrats! I think getting through this deserves a reward!

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Wrestler:  I remember when I used to obsess and replay bad times I had at work.  I couldn't let it go.  I was soooo hard on myself.  Having negative feedback from your customer challenged your feeling of competancy, your self-confidence.  If you know you are good at your job and you did it well, keep that thought, it's a positive one.  Sounds like a little step back, but you got back to your routine - exercise (hope your carpel tunnel heals) and you had a nice day out with your wife, it'll be o.k.  Don't let the surprise mini-attack of the anxiety derail you.  now we have the tools to understand and this little glitch won't last.    Have a great day!
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

But you already said it. You did this to yourself with the negative thinking. If exercising is the distraction you need to stay on the middle ground and you can't do it then find an other distraction. Meditation, visualization, reciting poetry, psalms, or Bible chapters. Replay good moments in your mind. Any thing but replaying what is bothering you. It is a war of attrition. You need more positive thoughts than negative to win the battle. You do this and your anxiety will go and you won't even notice when it does. Guarantied.

14 years ago 0 195 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know many have experienced this.
I was feeling nearly my normal self just a few days ago and then a stressful day at work midweek sent me into a state of panic and worry a whole day and then it led to an unexpected anxiety attack (maybe out of relief) driving home from work friday.
Since friday, I have felt anxious at times to very anxious, but kind of normal when I exercised earlier today. I just need a solid middle ground and no more of these sways back and forth. I also have realized that I have carpal tunnel in my left wrist so I stopped exercising for nearly 3 days to rest it.
The bad feelings this week started Tuesday when I suddenly felt a sense of dread and wondered what bad feelings would soon follow. I started to wonder what would cause me to feel bad again. I really hate when I do that to myself.
Then bad news on wednesday when a client of the company I work for had sent a letter about me and my co worker that we performed less than satisfactory on Saturday on the property he is proxy for. I was then told that this nutty client has blasted just about anyone from our company who has ever had dealings with him, so that made me feel a bit better, but I have never had a customer personally write a letter to someone in management about me negatively, so this left me unsettled all day. I had 3 conversations with co workers throughout the day and they all said this was normal from this certain client and they wondered why I was still obsessing over it. This helped a lot and I have not muttered another word about it to anyone at work. But needless to say, the stress from this obviously played a part in my anxious days and I am still recovering.
I have felt a bit panicky and also kind of depressed. I have moments of unreality and then sudden moments of feeling really good. see what I mean about wanting a middle ground of calm?

But my wife and I had a nice day today in total.
OK, that is my story for now. Please share any helpful experiences :-)

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