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21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Self Introduction

I€™m stressing out just trying to write this! Gosh Darn it€¦ :8o: what is one supposed to say about him/herself €¦OK€¦ the physical facts as they are today is that I€™m a 36yr old female. Married 11yrs, w/ 2 girls, 8 and 3. I live in a rural neighborhood w/ my mother-in-law, 18 yr old tattooed & pierced niece, 3 cats, a dog and a rat..LOL.. I have been a sufferer for as long as I can remember.. At least cognitively since I was about 17.. In hindsight I see it preceding that to around 8 yrs old €¦ I was €˜officially Dx€™d as Agoraphobic, Bi-polar, and Depressed at around age 18 In this €˜current€™ time period of my life, One of the most life effecting things there is that the older girl has €˜issues€™ that I (and €˜the house€™) are having a real hard time dealing with. She has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) she has also been dx€™d with ODD (Oppositional Defiantcy Disorder) I€™m sure she is starting to develop co-disorders as well. And she suffers mild petimal seizures. Her behavioral €˜issues€™ cause interference with school, home, relationships€¦ just everything. And over the years has come to affect everything about me as well.. Other things €˜major stress€™ me out as well, I think probably more common in nature.. Finances, Relationships, Health etc€¦ The daily anxiety & stress has increased a bit as The Hubby & myself quit smoking 3+ weeks ago€¦(which is how I came here.. Thru a posting from Ann-Marie, at the quitters support forum.)€¦When I was planning my quit, I asked the doc specifically for wellbutrin (Zyban) as it had 3 benefits.. helped curb cravings, depression and is prescribed for ADHD as well€¦ Well I took those meds for about a year before even seriously being able to plan my quit. I think that the meds helped me start to €˜feel€™ better.. And I needed to feel better in my head b4 I could take on such a challenge.. ya know? Other than this last year w/ the wellbutrin (really being prescribed for something else) I only took meds (as it pertains here) one other time in my life. It was only about 6 yrs ago. That was Prozac and Lithium.. but that was very short lived.. This sounds goofy.. But I basically stopped taking the meds cause my primary Doctor (at the time) wanted me to see a phyciatrist. Which I€™m sure would in fact be a good idea.. IF I co
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Introducing myself

Hi Suzy..Im new to this site also.. May I ask, are you one of the newbies over at the quit smoking support group also??
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Introducing myself

Hi Suzy.. Yes in browsing the posts here I too started to recognize some familiar names..And it is sorta comforting to know that some of the folks understand how hard it is to deal somedays. just to get out of bed and 'function'.. Don't beat yourself up over the blown quit.. I made it 8 months on my last quit.. then *POOF* up in a cloud of smoke! that was over 2 years ago..Took me that long to get brave enough to face it agian. Well it's good to see you here. Just take it one thing at a time, one day at a time... Lady
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Introducing myself

yuppers, I can belive it.. and I agree with you 100%. I think you truely have to have your mind set before the quit will work..I learned alot form taking that 'road trip' and why my last quit didnt work... I had gotten sick and didnt smoke for awhile.. then just went with it... So I didnt quit on my own at all.. so mine was a blown in waiting... You'll get there.. You're reading the posts here and the posts there..Paying attention to yourself. so I think your pointed in the right direction.
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

hi kids, I hope this posting finds you all well. I'm hoping some of you might have an opinion on this. Can anger be one of the things experienced during a panic attack?
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pets and Weather???

Hi Beth, better late than never...I agree w/ AM pet therapy is good therepy. And i wanted to tell you the benifits of having an aquarium as well.. water is calming. watching community type fish is relaxing. It's been shown that when people watch an aqarium it can lower blood pressure. This is something you could do if you have an office for instance. Be Good, Lady
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Ya.. Luke, Amanda, Beth..and anyone else that snuck in while I was'nt looking..Just wanting to welcome ya to the group. :) Sooo...welcome welcome welcome
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Coping strategies

Hi Beth How have you been doing? Most of the relaxation breathing techs. that I've heard of are pretty much the same.~ slowly deep inhale thru the nose.. hold for a count of 3 then exhale slowly thru slightly opened lips. for like a count of 5.... The other thing is to use imagery. put a time and a place in your head.. I do it something like this: Lie down someplace comfy and quite.. loosen any restrictive clothing, remove shoes, watches etc.. rest your arms down at your side, uncross your legs, and slowly breath in and out. start to picture yourself on the beach at dawn. You€™re lying on the soft sand. The sound of the seagulls, the slight ringing of a buoys bell, Picture your breathing as becoming the rhytmatic motion of the waves coming and going.. in and out.. breathing slowly, picturing the waves.. how they look, how they sound. Breath in and out.. and as you exhale, release your face of emotion.. try to relax your eyes and mouth. breath, loosen your neck and shoulders.. and breath, exhale and loosen your arms and hands. Uncurl and relax fingers. Breath, exhale. Loosen your legs and feet, allowing them to fall to the side€¦ feel your body as it sinks into the sand. Continue to breath slowly and continue to loosen and relax your body. Then picture the sun starting to come up over the horizon.. as the suns ray start to chase the shadows away.. and you lie in the soft sand listening to the rhythm of the waves. and the sun approaches you.. it starts at your feet. Warm and moves slowly to your ankles. And breathe.. the sun starts to feel warmer as it travels slowly up your shins and thighs€¦ you feel your finger tips in the warm sun as it continues onto your forearms and chest.. Breathe in and out, hearing the waves€¦ and continue to picture the warm sun making its way to your shoulders and neck. Until finally you feel the warmth of the sun all over your body.. and as you breathe in and out.. picture your self as breathing out the anxiety just a little bit with each cleansing breath.. I have some really great tapes that are very soothing music set to the sound of the ocean. I find listening to these tape while doing this imagery and breathing can really help.. get yourself some €˜sea€™ scented aroma candles.. Heck put the fan on low so you can feel them t
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Self Medication

yes, I know the term, have my idea as to what it means.. how is it that it is a problem for you Kim? Lady
21 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

well.. I mean more like.. your moving thru your day. as USUALL. then something sets you off.. someone or some thing of fate, sends you in a different dirrection than you thought you were going..and it just sends you reeling.. upsetting to the point of major frustration often resulting in unjustified anger outbursts... or would you think this is an anger managment type issue?