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What motivates you?

8 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great responses everyone! Thanks for posting.

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the questions Ashley!

What motivates you?
My kids are top of the list. Drinking affects my patience, mood, and ability to stay present with my family. I also want to be a good role model and fear that if I can't set a good example, my children may also struggle with addiction and self-destructive behavior. There are so many other motivators, but that is the one that really dragged me from contemplation to action. It's a lot easier to make bad choices when they only affect me, even though the consequences can be severe. But as I settle into sobriety, I am beginning to appreciate more and more the physical and mental health benefits of not drinking. I am sleeping better, more clear headed, better able to handle stress, I have occasional moments of content that I haven't felt in years, my skin is better, my immune system seems stronger.
What keeps you in the game?
Knowing how hard it is to start over. I thought about quitting for years and it took so much strength and mental effort to get through the first month. Now, three months in, I am in a routine and I am not straining myself to move forward. The urges are more manageable and I no longer obsess over alcohol.
Checking in on this website regularly really helps, connecting with others, and listening to the Bubble Hour.

 What helps you push further?
Seeing how much strength I have and how much I have accomplished makes me want to be better and better.

 Have you found your motivation yet?
I continue to feel motivated and inspired when I listen to other people's stories. I hear so much of myself in other people,  and hearing their pain and hope really helps me connect with my own. It's hard to describe but it's quite powerful to me.

 For people who are thinking about starting down a path to recovery, I would recommend you set a quit date, get prepared (get rid of alcohol in your house, by fancy non-alcoholic drinks and treats, make a list of your triggers and avoid them) and do something different/extra than you've tried before, like join a support group of some kind online or face to face.
8 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ashley, thanks for the questions.  Gus, thanks for getting this started, your positive attitude always speaks to me.

What motivates you?
I have seen such positive results since I have quit drinking.  I feel so much better emotionally, mentally, physically.  No more morning guilt and despair. 

What keeps you in the game?
I think part of it is a fear of where things were going for me and I realize now that they could have gotten much worse. I am beginning to believe in myself again, to feel a confidence in my abilities and possibilities that I had not felt in a very long time.  

What helps push you farther?
I am beginning to develop self-compassion which seems to allow me to try new things, dare a bit.  There was not much self-care going on when I was drinking. 

Have you found your motivation?
My initial motivation was definitely my family, my husband and my kids.  They continue to be my beacons but I also am doing it for myself now.  I feel so much better than when I was drinking.  After a few attempts at moderation, I know this is not a path that will work for me.  I know that staying sober is the only way for me and I am okay with that now.

 It's Canadian Thanksgiving and I am so thankful that four months ago I decided to quit drinking!  It was not easy at the beginning but it is manageable, and it definitely gets much easier. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself.  Alcohol really twists reality and leads you to believe that you can't do without it, but you can and when you do, you will wonder why you didn't do it a long time ago.   Give being alcohol-free a try for 90 days.  What have you got to lose?

8 years ago 0 115 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What motivates you?
My physical and mental well being.
Internal calmness. 
External calmness (stremming from internal calmness)
Peace and serenity since I quit drinking
All of the above have happened since I gave up drinking. 

What keeps you in the game?
No matter how bad things may be at times, drinking makes it worse. 
Knowing that keeps me on track.

What helps push you farther?
Having a clear head, every day, when I wake up. 

Have you found your motivation?
Yes, its the ones I love. I dont want to hurt them by my continuing drinking. 
I had a good friend die from drinking last year. He was in his 30s. I dont want to end up like he ended  up. There but by the grace of god go I. 
I had a dream about him last night, that he was still alive. It was really sad to wake up and and find out it was only a dream. It was a real punch in the stomach when I woke up.

I am off booze now almost 5 months. Once you form the new habit of not drinking, its not that hard. It becomes the new normal. I cannot come up with a reason TO DRINK anymore.
Hope that helps someone.

8 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What motivates you?

What keeps you in the game?

What helps you push further?

Have you found your motivation yet?

Share with us your motivation and help motivate others!

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