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ReVia - Naltrexone

7 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
  I saw the label information, it strictly says you got to follow directions. I would talk to your doctor about taking 2 instead of one. And about use of ReVia further, do you think this has permanently taken the desire away? I took Vivitrol in injection form very early in my recovery. But then I found that the 12 steps would give me a permanent solution so after the 2nd injection, I never went back to the doctor. 

Here is the excerpts from the label:

Consult a doctor prior to use if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma; heart, serious kidney, liver, thyroid or chronic lung diseases; difficulty in urination due to the enlargement of the prostate gland; chronic alcoholism; are on any other medication including natural health products or prescription drugs, especially those containing acetaminophen, salicylates or other pain and fever medications 
7 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jessmess, I really can be almost evangelical about Kratom. Lol. I feel it really made not only my craving subside but also helped some other things I was dealing with. Like I had decreased my serotonin so much with drinking. It helps that as well. All natural too. It is actually used for narcotic withdrawal to help as well as to help drinking. But as with anything there are people that are against it. It's been great for me and as I said its natural. Check out kratom k or kratom for more positive info. If you try it get the capsul as it tastes vile! My local natural store sold it to me to make a tea with and it was awful. 

I don't know anything about Revia but, I'll look it up. Is it a prescription or herbal? 

Yes, I agree when you find out how good you feel it really starts to change how you deal with booze or at least how you think of it. I know what you mean-- recently I was traveling and the dehydration of it made my head hurt and it reminded me of a hang over! We repair our bodies-- it's amazing really. 

Hang in there it sounds like it's going good for you. Keep posting it truly helps too.
7 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That's interesting. I've never heard of that herb"kratom" before. This marks about 2 months alcohol free which still feels like a miracle. I really haven't had any cravings at all. I've been around people who drink and enjoy the newfound ability to be the designated driver! It's actually been so easy with the help of ReVia that I sometimes forget how bad the struggle has been. For example, I had a cold last week. I drank neocitron before bed to help sleep. I drank 2 packets instead of the recommended 1. After the 3rd night, I woke up feeling hungover! Felt woozy all day and noticed that the muscle spasms I used to get came back. I think it had something to do with overloading my now sensitive liver and other organs. Realizing the damage I've caused my poor insides was a big reminder of how dangerous life had become for me. My next step is talking to my doctor about the next few months...whether to continue or not on ReVia.

I'm surprised that there aren't more discussions about this drug on this site...hmm!

7 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I agree it is freeing to not crave alcohol.  And it's freeing to be able to think about life and consider plans without the worry of hiding the booze or making sure you have enough to not run out.  As I look back on my life deep in denial I am amazed that I had time to do anything besides feed my habit. It is all consuming---thoughts,  I feel sad sometimes that I missed those times in my families life.  Meaning even if I was "there" with them, I wasn't "there". You mind is always churning for the craving. I believe that taking the herb kratom helped me with the first few weeks. I took it for a few months and then took a break from it as well. But, I was as committed to taking it as I was planning my drinking habit. Ultimately I stopped it when I felt I was at a good place with craving. So, Jessmess, that's something to look forward to for you, when you are at the place to move to the next step. It's so worth it to be able to live again. The longer you are away the harder it is to go back. 
8 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ultimately, it's been really strange and freeing to NOT crave alcohol.

That is so awesome. Would like to hear more from you. See how you are doing. Good luck.

8 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is day #6 alcohol free. I've actually been finding that the obsession has subsided a bit. I still think of it out of habit but as soon as I do I find it easy to just say "no". It's been a really interesting experience. First thing in the morning I will wonder "how hung over am I today?" out of habit. Then I realize that I'm not hungover at all. The drowsy side effect subsided after day 2 of naltrexone. For the past 4 days I've found myself thinking about what I presume are "normal" things like what I'm going to do with my day rather than how am I going to ensure I have enough alcohol to sustain me for the day. It's weird but good. Nervous about relapse but also know that it's not the end of the world if it happens. 

Ultimately, it's been really strange and freeing to NOT crave alcohol. I know I need to maintain awareness about my thought patterns and behaviours so that once the 12 weeks is up I can maintain the good habits.
8 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jessmess,

Welcome to the group. Congrats on getting started and your first day alcohol free!

How are you feeling today?

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was on Vivitrol and camphrol but my shrink suggested AA for a permanent solution. The obsession to drink got lifted understanding the problem and working the 12 steps. 

You example shows we still have not found a pill for removing the obsession. Please see a doctor if you continue to drink over it. It could lead to fatality. 
8 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just wanted to let you all know that I started on a 12 week Naltrexone challenge yesterday. I drank a bottle of wine out of habit but it's a lot less than usual. Today I had my first sober day in quite a long time (can't remember when...could be weeks or months). The side effects have been extreme drowsiness which I hope will subside because I don't like the feeling. Although I guess it's better than the withdrawal shakes and sweat etc. I can't tell yet if I went sober because I was too tired to get alcohol or if the cravings were reduced. I certainly thought about drinking as it's become such a habit and part of my life...but I can't say I craved it. I also found that I craved less food. 

Here to chat with anyone on, previously on or considering naltrexone. 

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