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12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Samantha,
I worked with a person afraid of spiders.  We did a project in a small room, and there were spiders on the walls.  I did my best to distract her from that wall, opposite to the wall we focused our work on, where the desks were.  She was visibly disturbed when she stated she might want to go home, since she'd seen a spider.  This would have caused work issues of great proportions. 
I understood her fear at some level.  But as a child, i collected insects, and my brother went further by mounting them, and classifying them.
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Specific phobias are when a highly focused fear occurs with a specific object or situation. To avoid this anxiety producing object or situation, an individual may significantly disrupt their normal routine; they may avoid going to work or school or travelling if there is a slight chance that the will encounter the object of fear.

 Specific phobias usually revolve around four categories:

1 – Animals (insects, snakes, dogs, etc)

2 – Natural environments (storms, heights, water, etc)

3 – Blood/injections/injuries (the sight of blood or even the thought of an injection)

4 – Specific situation (public transit, the dentist, flying, etc.)
Samantha, Health Educator 

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