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The Office Environment

13 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Being organized is the best office stress buster I do. Sometimes I have to fight for the time to get organized by talking with my boss and reminding him that the more documentation I do, the less scrambling there will be in the future. There have been a few times recently where my documentation and organization really paid off with the client. I was able to show that things were getting done that they feared weren't getting done and also able to show that I was trying to anticipate their needs. The client was very happy, so my boss was very happy too.
He's always been very supportive anyway, but he's human and prone to see paperwork as just busywork. Heck, I feel that way too a lot. I'm very fortunate for my workplace environment.
Working in a shop full of tradesmen, we can also blow off a little steam with the odd curse, or we'll start bellowing along with whatever song is on the radio. I couldn't do that in the formal office environment I used to be in. It helps!
I guess what I'm saying is have some fun at work. Start a little book exchange. Ask the boss about maybe getting a BBQ so the team can grill up some burgers for lunch once in awhile. Set aside a coffee break a few times a week to go chat with someone different around the office. Work can have its fun side too!

13 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Spending too much time in the office? Try to work together with other work mates to change the office environment by doing some of these five minute power boosters:

Get Moving!
•    Do some step aerobics at the office stair case
•    Take a short walk around the block or through the office building
•    Stand up and stretch your muscles, starting from your neck working your way down to your ankles
•    Keep a stress ball on hand to squeeze when you need to release some pressure

Stimulate your mind!
•    Take some time to do a word search, crossword or sudoko
•    So some deep breathing exercises and some quiet meditation
•    Clean your desk or office a little bit
•    Draw a picture

The office environment can be draining so it’s important to take some time out for yourself to regroup and stay active. What have you found helpful to keep you on track to a healthy lifestyle?
Ashley, Health Educator

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