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Progressive Muscle Relaxation

13 years ago 0 11212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
To continue learning about progressive muscle relaxation...
Your Back: Gently arch your back to tense the muscles of your lower back. If you have lower back problems skip this part. Hold for a count of 10 then relax for a count of 20.

Your Chest and Stomach
Take a deep breath and tense all of the muscles of your chest and stomach. Hold for a count of 10 then breath out and relax to a count of 20. Repeat.

Your Shoulders
Try to touch your ears with your shoulders to tense the muscles of your shoulders. Squeeze the muscles for a count of 10 then relax for a count of 20. Repeat.

Stretch your upper arms backwards, as if you were trying to touch your shoulder blades together. Hold for a count of 10 then relax for a count of 20. Repeat.
Ashley, Health Educator

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