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12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

That is too bad really. You see, the tea would stop the recycling of negative thoughts that is preventing you from eating and doing other normal things. I'm well aware of agoraphobia. I can control mine but I will never be shut of it. It is there but has no control of me anymore. There is a thing called a panic triangle that you will not find on the internet, (at least I couldn't find it). I did post it here. I got it from my therapist. It explains about recycling negative thoughts and how to prevent it. There is something similar on the net but not as well explained. It is a CBT process and works. This is not just a relaxation or distracting exercise but a whole new way of thinking that covers up and takes the place of the unwanted way of thinking. How bad do you want to get better? CBT works. This program is based on CBT. It can help you.


PS. This is going to sound weird but once a panic attack starts it is best to have it as soon and as fast as possible all the time looking at the illogic of it so that it will shut down on it's own. Panic is "fight or flight" and is normal short term. Fighting it will prevent it from shutting down. You can learn to accept it and tell it to go away. You can get it down to where it is only a blip in your thinking. The exemption is that caused by medication.
12 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for your suggestions but I have now got myself into a terrible state where I can't take anything that I don't have control over (it used to just be pills but now it is herbal tea, food - unless I have mashed it up and anything that I am not familiar with taking.  This sounds totally crazy and it feels like it too.  What can I do?
I am going to my new job tomorrow, really dreading it - I am hoping if I get through tomorrow then I may get back to normal a little bit, like I may be able to eat a meal that hasn't been liquidised and that I will be able to overcome some of my phobias that I managed to overcome before.

Have you any suggestions of how to stop a panic attack coming on when you feel it starting up, I have tried the breathing and it helped a little.
Thank you - sarah
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If all else fails try Lemon Balm tea and Calcium. This is the only herbal non prescription treatment for sleep disorders and claustrophobia that my doctor would recommend and for me it works. 

12 years ago 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm glad to learn that you're finding the forum helpful. 

To help you fall asleep, have you tried herbal tea or a soothing warm bath? 
12 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thank you Vincenza..... it really does help to talk about these things doesn't it, even if only by mail.  I have never joined a forum like this before, it's nice that people take the time out to help others, I am certainly very grateful.
Do you have any tips on getting to sleep that doesn't include any tablet taking, I am keeping myself awake with my anxiety and panic and need to try and get some sleep before Tuesday?  My friend has just given me lavendar oil to drop onto my pillow as this is supposed to be calming.  Any other ideas would be much appreciated. 
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sarah,
Taking it one day/on step at a time is the best approach to challenging your anxiety.  You've already proven to yourself that you can overcome some of the worries as you are already into your weekend! 
I look forward to hearing about your progress with CBT.  I know you will find it very helpful.
Other techniques you can try, especially if you feel anxiety coming on suddenly, is to do some deep breathing techniques.  It is a wonderful tool to keep you grounded and mindful of your surroundings.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Vincenza
Thank you so much for your kind email.
I have had panic attacks in the past but never quite as bad as these are, mostly due to claustrophobia, taking tablets and a number of other things that I can say to myself are ridiculous but at the time feel dreadful.
I haven't tried CBT before but am going to seek couselling for this. I have started your programme and have found it useful and will keep reviewing it before my work starts on Tuesday.  I have decided to focus on getting through Tuesday before I add in my other worries about moving house etc - so one step at a time for now. 
On Thursday I was wondering how I would get through the weekend but I've made it to Saturday so that's positive.
Thanks again
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sarah,
Welcome to the PC online support group and thanks for sharing your story.  
I'm glad to hear you are recovering well from your operation. 
You definitely have a lot of change and newness on the horizon and it's understandable that it can bring on a lot of anxiety.  
Have you experienced panic attacks in the past or was this an isolated incident you experienced? 
Have you tried working through CBT before?  It involves challenging your negative/irrational thoughts and reframing your perspective on situations you may fear or dread.  It is a very effective form of therapy for anxiety if you dedicate time to work through it every day.  
Start with the program that is offered on the PC site.  Ask lots of questions and post often on the forums. 
You will find lots of sincere support from members who have had similar experiences.
We're here for you,

Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi my name is Sarah
I have been off work for 6 weeks due to an operation and have been recovering well. Alongside this, I am moving with my work to a new role in a new location which means that my family and I are moving house and also a new school for my13 year old son.  My eldest son is staying in our current home town and going to live with is grandparents whilst he saves up for his own house (he is 23 and never been away from us).  We are only going to be moving 45 minutes away.
Everything was going fantastically, everything was going to plan, I was excited about my new job (having already met the people) and after months of planning we found our dream home. We have not moved yet as we are waiting for the contracts.
So yesterday the biggest wave of panic came over me, I felt sick, had palpitations and other symptons and thought "I just can't move house and do this new job". But I have to, we are almost there with the house and have spent money on solicitors, the job I am going to are expecting me on Tuesday and my old job is filled.  I went to the doctors in a total state and he said I should have some more time off get CBT.  He is happy to sign me off for 2 more weeks against my original sick note which is good, but surely I am just prolonging things. If I have 2 weeks off I still have to start day one again in another 2 weeks. 
I feel absolutely dreadful as if I am going totally crazy.  My husband is cross because we chose our future and up until yesterday everything was perfect.  I am planning that I am going to panic in my new home because I'm not near my parents or my eldest son, I am planning that I will panic when I have to get the train to work everyday, I am planning that I will be so anxious that I will not be able to breathe, I am panicking that I won't be able to do my new job.
Another little strange thing when I feel bad is that I cannot take any form of medication, if I take a tablet I throw myself around and run outside thinking I have taken something bad. I know this is all totally irrational but I am feeling it.
I really don't think I can go along with the move and the job - but I have to!
I need help today to cope with this -not tablets that will take 4 weeks to work, or on a waiting list for CBT.
Suggestions please anyone, I am totally desperate.
Thanks x

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