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Pets Help individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

13 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
In a article on MSNBC, a returning soldier from Iraq, Dave Sharpe, shared his experience.  He said when he returned he was struggling with PTSD he decided to adopt a puppy. He would often wake up in the middle of the night and punch and kick holes in the wall.  “Next time he found himself kicking something, ‘I saw this puppy, cocking her head, looking up at me, like, what are you doing?"  Finally, Sharpe had someone he could open up to. ‘I froze, I put down my drink, I picked her up and laid with her in my bed,’ he said. ‘I cried and I told her the whole story. I didn't feel judged.”  
From this moment Sharpe recognized the powerful therapeutic tools pets can be.  He started and organization called Pets2Vets.  This organization arranges animal adoptions for returning war veterans.  The organization has been a big success.   To read more please visit:
Members, have pets helped you with a mental illness or addiction?  Please share your experiences.
Ashley, Health Educator

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