Certainly & understandably, these panic attacks in your safe place have got you worried. Once a haven, now a place of great anxiety, right?
Time to take back control. Keep working through the program and when anxiety starts to creep in, initiate self-talk. Identify thoughts that are going through your mind that may be related to anxiety on a piece of paper. On the same paper, write down positive statements such as, "I will be fine."
Use this as a practice ground for bringing down your anxiety levels with the exposure section of the program. Easier said then done I know but you have to keep working at it for it to get better.
Another strategy to try is to distract yourself when anxiety levels run high. Try reading out loud, listening to music, deep breathing or occupying yourself with a chore or activity you enjoy. Don't let those anxious thoughts feed your panic cycle.
I hope this helps and better days are ahead for you.
Keep close.
The PC Support Team