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Fear of Holidays - Im New here

20 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Medowlark, thanks for your reply!! Those feelings are horrible. I dont worry about getting things ready for holidays as I kind of go into denial and tell myself Im not going anywhere.. I just seem to have a kind of phobia about holidays themselves which reduces me to a weeping wreck coming up to the days. I just fear going away from my home and I fear meals in restaurents etc. I have had a few holidays where I was sick with worry and thought I was going insane for the whole two weeks. I just get these horrible physical sensations - they are hard to describe. I dont care about getting things done before I go but I know of others like yourself who come under tremendous stress before holidays. Thanks for the lavender tip. It helps a little being able to talk here as I do feel very isolated - most people love hols. but I absolutely dread them with a capital D. Only four days to go!!!! I dont want to ruin everyone elses holidays and feel under a lot of pressure. They know I panic but still.. anyway enough ranting.. Thank you for your support.
20 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've got something similar to that; I don't vomit or anything, but I get particularly anxious right before a vacation of any sort. Generally, my anxiety centers around questions like "will I get everything done before the break ends", etc, even if I don't have anything particularly important to do. It can be over something as trival as sorting laundry- "aack, will I get all my clothes folded???" (follwed by all sorts of horrible feelings). This is a realization that I've just come to recently. This knowledge itself has helped me tremendously, as I can now center my efforts on making sure everything important is done and then calm myself a bit by knowing that I have nothing important to do. Something that seems a bit cheesy but has worked for me is aromatherapy. The smell of lavandar is very soothing, and for some reason it helps to give me just a bit more control over my thinking. I have a bottle of lavandar oil which I will sprinke on my pillow or in a bath before bedtime. Also, lavander mixed with almond oil is nice for rubbing on your skin. Of course, this could be a placebo, but, hey, it works for me!
20 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Josie Thanks for that info. I have been with my doctor many times and also see a psychiatrist a couple of times a year for depression. I work with a counsellor once a week. Both psy. and counsellor are on holidays now! Anyway I never got a diagnosis of anything - basically I have a phobia about holidays and eating out and a bit of social phobia. GAD was mentioned a few years ago. I find breathing makes me even worse as I tend to feel even more detached from my body. It is just so isolating and terrifying and I feel for everyone here - we will overcome this - sometime!Thanks for your info - when I come home from Holidays - if I go - I will try the programme.
20 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Shamu, Welcome, and thanks for sharing your concern with us. If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests. These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. We also have developed a Panic Program. This program is 12-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above. Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead. Have you also tried relation techniques and breathing? Doing this before going out can help relax you and make your journey a more enjoyable one. Hope some of this helps, Josie
20 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone, Im new here and wonder if anyone has any advice for me. I suffer from a fear of going on holidays - be it 1 night or 21 nights it doesnt matter. For weeks before I have to go somewhere I just get so sick. I feel dizzy, vomiting, other stomach problems, tired, headaches, chest pains the works. Is not really a panic attack as from what I have read about them they seem to last for up to an hour or so but what I feel tends to go on and on for weeks at a time until Im exhausted. My problem is I am going on holiday next week and at the moment (as usual) feel absolutely like hell on earth. Please is there anyone else out there like this. I also fear eating out in restaurents in the same way. I need a quick fix for next week but having been like this for 25years I know it doesnt exist. I have read a lot on the internet linden method etc but am confused and dont have loads of money to spend on stuff online - if i did I would definately try anything. I know I have to do it myself but dont know where to start. Can anyone help please...

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