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How to avoid Holiday Stress Part 1.

13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i push myself to put up a small tree and decorate it.
play a christmas cd
make cookies for dh workplace
send xmas ecards to family.
and then just stay out of the way until it is all over and done.
fortunately my grandchildren's other grandparents are very holiday oriented and make a big todo about the holidays.
dh has big celebration at his work with gift exchange and food and stuff so he gets taken care of there.
I just hibernate until it is all over.
I come out of the woodwork Jan. 11.
That's what I do and that's an improvement over years past, although I did make Christmas very festive and busy when my children were young and still at home.  I pretended to enjoy it all for them.  Now I don't have to pretend.
Geez.  I sound depressed. go figure. just writing about it makes me tired. 
13 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Recognize your feelings.  The holidays is a difficult time of year for many.  Some may not have close friends and family and its okay to be sad.  It’s important at this time to express your feelings and to seek support. Don’t forget that you’re not the only one going through the same emotions. Support groups are great for individuals in need of someone to talk to.

Seek support. If you feel isolated or down, seek out family members and friends, or community, religious or social services. They can offer support and companionship. Consider volunteering at a community or religious function. Getting involved and helping others can lift your spirits and broaden your social circle. Also, enlist support for organizing holiday gatherings, as well as meal preparation and cleanup. You don't have to go it alone.
Members, how do you push yourself to stay social during the holiday season?
Ashley, Health Educator

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