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16 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wildcat: Your post brought out a great discussion here, thanks for getting it rolling. I don't have much to add except to say that there's a reason people get anxious about social interactions, it because these are tricky interactions that can go wrong, without anyone ever intending it. We're constantly interpreting other people in a social interaction, and who knows how often we get that right? In fact there is some suggestion that people who score high on optimism (the anti-depressed let's call them) are very poor at interpreting social interaction. They very often get it wrong, but they get it wrong in ways that favor themselves. They keep thinking people liked them more than they did, approved of them more than they did, etc. Weird, don't you think? Because it suggests that the depressed are more socially insightful... hmm.... So all I am saying is, finding social interaction like your group setting frustrating or unhelpful isn't a sign of anything about YOU it's a sign about something very real and very difficult, which is social. Ava
16 years ago 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just one harried parent to another :)
16 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
w o w. I did not think of it that way. :)[b]Thank you , Confused !!![/b] :)
16 years ago 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Forgive me, Wildcat, for being so blunt, but are you over-analysing yourself about the group? Support groups can be great, but not all groups are going to work, depending on the make-up of people involved. Yours sounds like it's a group of people who, despite having bipolar in common with you, are otherwise in completely different life situations to yours. Is it giving you any learning to be observing how other people with bi-polar cope, when the challenges they are trying to cope with are foreign to you and vice versa? My opinion: the group provokes the worst in you because you aren't getting anything from it and it's wasting your time. Time being something that you have precious little of, and any spare second you may be able to grasp you want to spend on your family or yourself, rather than with a group of people who have no concept of what it's like to be bipolar in a such a full-to-overflowing life. I hear your anger and frustration. One of basic elements of a support group is that all participants feel understood and supported, and it doesn't sound as though you're feeling that way. So you've been, you've observed, and you've persevered at going and observing. I'm sure that you'd be happy to go, observe, participate in another support group with, as dumpling suggests, a better balance of giving and taking. A more even distribution of life situations, perhaps. Again, just my opinion: take that 1-2 hours a week for the next couple of months and play with your children, go out with your husband, relax in a hot bubble bath -- any of which would probably give you more emotional benefit than this group is. Your determination is truly wonderful, Wildcat, and you have an awesomely enormous heart :)
16 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thanks dumpling. I thought i was alone to do the whining about nothing ;). I think I am taking my experience with a very smooth long standing group and hoping this new group with an inexperienced mediator to run the same way. The Phobies-Zero group is for those suffering from anxiety disorders; like social phobias so it is set up to guide individuals and those who have gained some controle over the disorder are encouraged to become volunteers and share their experience... so it is kind of a "mentoring" system. This Revivre group is a twelve week group put together to share their weekly experiences. It is a safe common space to air out ideas and feelings with others who understand. We are a bunch of strangers thrown into a room with a woman who is with her first group. So we are all coming together with different point-of-view. So I guess that it is my errors that are bringing out the worst in me. I knew what I was getting into and I need to keep my expectations to a lower level. I cannot expect (no one could expect) the group of strangers to discuss and interact like the mentored group. These strangers are groping in the dark trying to find their place and understand the others expectations. I do not need to think about what the people said. I need to understand that they are trying to help me even if they do not know what I am feeling and living. The positive is that I did not have 12 people laughing at me and outright saying that my situation is petty. Most are alone and depressive, which is a heavy burden. The majority do not have young children, do not have full-time work, and family responsibilities. I am in the minority and the others are trying to be sympathetic. It will take time for me to find my place and voice within this group. hopefully this week we will all bring a life-jacket...
16 years ago 0 101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think I know what you mean by too fullness. Sometimes you need solitude. Alone time. Me time. I wonder about support groups. Sometimes I think people think they are depressed but just like to whine. And how much help is it to be among a bunch of other people who just want to whine, rather than try to understand and help someone else? If a support group is to work there has to be giving as well as taking. When you are drowning you take and when you are more OK you give and both the taking and the helping help.
16 years ago 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The following 10 questions will help you to challenge any negative thought. When you have a negative thought, try to answer these 10 questions: What’s the evidence that the thought is true? What’s the evidence that the thought is not true? What is the worst possible thing that could happen and how would you cope if it did happen? What’s the best possible thing that could happen? What would most likely happen and how would you cope if that happened? What’s another way of thinking about this situation? What else could be going on? What would you tell a friend of yours if they were in this situation and had the same negative thought? What’s the effect of believing the negative thought? What would happen if you didn’t believe the negative thought? What are some alternative thoughts in this situation? Please feel free to share your tips on keeping positive! Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi gang... i have an idea that I have been obsessing over for about a week and I need to let it out to clarify it... my depressions are partially chemical. okay. my depressions are partially thought and emotional. so when I am over stimulated; too much work, stress, closeness- emotional demands, too much activity... I fizz out and slide into that black-hole. at the support group many were talking about solitude and the meaninglessness of life. and when I voiced my too full-ness I was given simplistic answers. I do not want to be mean and go back angry, but right now all I can think about is emotional revenge! : well if you need interactions join a language class - you will have someone to talk to. : if you want to be part of a close group of supportive people there are several street gangs and motorcycle gangs in the city looking to recruit. : if you are alone it is your own fault for not hiding everything and learing to be a better actor. see. you all know how much damage I can do. i know what I can do. I want to be understood and try to find some way to control the excesses in my life. I want to understand how this illness works and how my own thoughts push the chemicals around. i want to understand how the chemicals make it difficult to swim against that under-current. I want to understand how it is when a norm had a hard time they live it, then the body picks up and they move on. I am always struggling for breath. why? Why does this group provoke the worst in me? is it because they get at what is deepest buried and I react instinctively to protect that interior grave? Is it because i like smooth interactions and i like calm people and this group is nothing of the sort? -they are too out there for me to be comfortable with? Is it just that I am trouble accepting I have another life-long illness that will have to be treated/managed for the rest of my life? what is my thinking error here?

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