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Challenging Worry


2024-04-15 2:59 PM

Depression Community



Linda Q

2024-04-11 5:06 AM

Anxiety Community



Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-04-08 3:54 PM

Managing Drinking Community


New Year's Resolutions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-03-25 2:47 AM

Managing Drinking Community

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Thread Replies Views Latest Post
Freeze 3 1933 Ashley -> Health Educator
Best Program ever 0 325 agua
Panic attacks and weight exercice 3 1456 Ashley -> Health Educator
Conversation with Haters (negative people) and anxiety 6 1491 Red1
Icebreakers for dinner partys 1 704 Ashley -> Health Educator
Too much frustrating - core beliefs 3 1528 Davit
Interaction in a big group 1 902 Ashley -> Health Educator
Panic cycle and sleep problems 11 2474 Davit
Walk at beach keeping head up 2 861 agua
Gym collegues 5 2959 agua
Very low energy during the day 6 2444 Davit
challeging a negative thought from a friend 1 720 Davit
Less dramatize life 1 634 Ashley -> Health Educator
Yoga Nidra - good for sleeping 3 1114 Bobootifli
Simulating and medication 8 3573 Davit
New Goal and exposure plan - Leave medication 2 771 Ashley -> Health Educator
Struggling with this part 4 2425 agua
CBT process like a study of character (like actors job) 1 562 Davit
Eye contact on a simple walk 0 449 agua
Having short conversations with people 4 1241 pbetterman
Avoiding to go out of bed in the morning 3 1733 agua
Beginner of program 5 1315 agua
Panic during workout gym and after finished 8 4384 Davit