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2024-04-20 11:42 PM

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2024-04-08 3:54 PM

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2024-03-25 2:47 AM

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9 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dairy allergy and Anxiety?

The last couple of days I have had very bad panic attacks, and my overall anxiety level has risen dramatically over the past two weeks. This timing coincides perfectly with the time that I began eating dairy again after a long break. I am wondering... could there be a link?
I know that I do not digest dairy well, and I am a generally anxious person. It seems that after a couple of days of eating a lot of yogurt I have had weird symptoms like heartburn and mucus in my throat which has caused panic attacks! Has anyone ever heard of this before? Could it possibly really be the dairy that is causing panic attacks in an already anxious person such as myself?
9 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dairy allergy and Anxiety?

Wow, that is interesting... I never knew foods could do such things!
Thanks for the info.