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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-04-20 11:42 PM

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12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did You Know?

This shows that one should take seriously the symptoms of panic disorder and should seek treatment options. I am on this program for 3 weeks now and I found it more useful than 6 months of "talk therapy". Meds have also been an huge help for me.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Muscle Spasm

Anxiety produces several tensions in our body's which could be manifested in several forms such as muscle spasms, blurred vision, etc. Two things that have help me alleviating these tensions (besides meds) are yoga and writing.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Session 3 Walkthrough

Hello Ashley. The main issue here are challenging anxious thinking. I have done at least one challenge worksheet per day and I found it useful. I have also been updating the symptom tracker and definitely see some relationships between what I am doing, feeling and thinking. This worksheet gives me the opportunity to Analise with objectivity how I deal with anxiety and depression and put things in perspective. It seems that when I write my problems it alleviates my symptoms and do not keep my emotions only with myself. Posting in the forums is very good also because I can share my feelings and thinking with others.
I have to say that this program have been helping me a lot and I am dedicated to put aside 1 hour each day for doing CBT activities.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Rewarding Yourself

I agree with David here. One can end doing the exposure work just for the reward  because of the power of association, and in this way the exposure work could not help one with their fears.
Of course giving some rewards from time to time is good, but shouldn't be a norm.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
3 Things that Have Helped Me

Hello members. On the last years I have been dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression and only recently I have a made a bold decision to get a proper treatment and take care of myself. This was not easy and I had to have a nervous breakdown as well as some setbacks to made this decision.
There were three things that have been helping me on my recover: medication, joining this program ( and yoga class.
1. Medication: I had to consult two doctors. The first was not working and not giving importance to my symptoms prescribing meds that did not work on me. Fortunately I change doctors and have been adjusting meds with my current doctor to meet my needs.
2. Joining this program: I have to congratulate the team and health educators that have contributed to this site for putting a program that works. I reserve about 1 hour watch day to do CBT activities and posting on these forums.
3. Yoga classes: I attend 2 classes a week (tuesdays and thursdays) with yoga instructors. On mondays, wednesdays and fridays I practice yoga at home alone. While at home I try to create a relaxing environment to practice yoga. I tune-on the TV on with relaxing videos and music and I am following a book with simple yoga exercises that I have bought. To keep my motivation at home, every monday I modify the yoga program. I found yoga very useful for my anxiety because it is necessary to practice relaxation, breathing techniques and visualization.
One thing that I found interesting is that there is not a simple formula or way to get better. I have learn what have been working for me by trial and error.
It is all for now and I hope this give people some ideas for getting better.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
3 Things that Have Helped Me

Thank you all for your feedback.
Now answering Ashley question. In this process I have been learning a lot about myself. It seems in the last years I was a stranger to myself. I didn't understand myself and especially my thoughts. This lead me to have cognitive distortions about me and the world and culminating in a nervous breakdown last year.
Now I am learning to live with my thoughts, not ignoring them, but to challenge them, and CBT cames in handy here. I am also recognizing the fears that I have and to figure out how to do exposure work to each one.
At this time I am feeling like a scientist who are making experiments in myself whit all this new knowledge, and more important, I am feeling more confident with myself.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Improving Time Management Skills, II

The big challenge for me is with urgent and important tasks. In the past I tried to figure out "the ideal method to deal with this" and read several time management tips but in the end I got very confused. At the present moment I am using the following method to deal with urgent and important tasks:
1. I have a task to do
2. If the task takes less than 5 minutes to complete I do it immediately independently if it is urgently or important
3. If the task takes more than 5 minutes to complete and it is an important task I write it in my diary and complete it as soon as I can. If the task is unimportant I do not waste any energy to write it on my diary and I only do it when I have some time available and remember it.
4. Now for the urgency. I only rate a task as urgent in exceptional cases and here it is necessary to have good sense. For example: if one person asks me for the first time to do a task urgently and if I had the time I could help her. But if this same person asks me to do a task urgently for the second time I will polite say no, that I am not available do it at this time.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Social acceptance and the incidence of Depression and Anxiety

In high school I was considered a shy person but had some friends. I think I was in the middle term but was not considered what is called a popular person. In this way I do not know if there is a relationship between my anxiety and depression and social acceptance.

12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did you know?

Interesting facts but they are also scary because as a PD suffered I am always trying to find new deceases in myself. Besides PD I have clinical depression, and I suspect that I could also have irritable bowel syndrome.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I also find walking very useful but in order to appreciate its benefits, I have first to "clear the calculator", then walk slowly and look around me to the views without judging anything.