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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Ashley -> Health Educator

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2 years ago +1 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 1
hi :)

Ashley -> Health Educator @ May 27, 2021 1:40:00 PM
Welcome logzmio!
I am glad you found us. Congrats on feeling a bit better and completing your first session. Try to complete one session a week and remember, the homework is the most important part. If you have to go slower, that is fine. Make the course work for you.
I hope you will be able to stick with it too. I know it will help you. One of the main symptoms of depression is lack of motivation. When depressed it is important to take action even without motivation. This is easier said then done of course. I am telling you this, so that you do not get discouraged if and when you lose motivation. Remind yourself lack of motivation is because you are depressed, not because the course isn't important enough. Schedule your sessions, and if you have to break the session down into smaller chunks, do so.
You can do this! I look forward to reading updates from you. If you have any questions or thoughts, it would really help the community if you could share.
What motivated you to look up articles now? What pushed you to search help?
Take care,

I really appreciate your comment about reminding ourselves that feeling less motivated is the depression, and that it is important to take action without motivation. Scheduling activities and things that need to be done in my calendar has been very helpful for me looking back. I plan to start doing this more. thanks!