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10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dealing with Stress during Hell Week....

Hi Bobena.
I'm so sorry to hear that you've had a rough time of it lately, and that you have a boss that's a 'wordsIwontsaysoIdon'toffendanyone'. Are you sure we don't work for the same person? or maybe they are twins.
Stress can be a real trigger for relapse so it's really important to learn new ways of coping with stress without sucking on the little white poison sticks. As Timbo has already suggested, deep breathing exercises really do help. Try not to let your 'wordsIwontsaysoIdontoffendanyone' boss get you down or stress you out, I know that can be easier said than done, but if he does, just remind yourself of your reasons for quitting. Tell yourself that he/she is not worth losing your quit over. Picture your boss in the same league as the Nic O Demon, you are stronger than both of them, and breathe....
I'm sure that with your determination and strength you will overcome this, they say that the first 3 days are the hardest, well it's true. Everyday from now on it will get easier for you, honestly, it really does, I promise.
Take care and stay strong . We are all rooting for you. 
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I?m Tie With Whisper for Day Seven

Thanks Lolly.
I can't think of a single draw back for not smoking. Not one.I could bore the pants off anyone for hours though about the plus sides, if only they would let me.
I also feel very very lucky because I'm honestly finding it fairly easy. I think it's because I've read, and read and read everything I could possibly find about the nicotine habit until I think I there's no opinion on the subject I'm not, at least aware of. In short I'm steeped in knowledge...clanking about in a big knowledge suit of armour and chain mail that no Nic O Demon could possibly penetrate. It's so obvious and a simple truth that one puff would see me back to my old (30 a day) ways...that I don't even entertain the idea. N.O.P.E. works for me.
So off I happy as ever, offering my undying thanks to this forum....this's's support...and it's endless posts of massively important information re the Nic O Demon. Hoorah. 
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Josh. 
How's everything going? 
This really is a remarkable forum and the people here are always helpful and very supportive.You have all the best reasons in the world to quit and with your determination and strength I have no doubt that you will succeed.
It sounds to me like you have lots of interesting things and hobbies to keep yourself busy with, this will really help you in your quest to a smoke free life. Would love to see some of your sketches once you have finished them. 
Speak soon  
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today is my 4th day..

Hi Han.
Woohooo... so thrilled to hear you are still going strong and it's great to read your positive posts.
Take care. 
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
8 days today !

Hi Amanda.
How's things going? 16 days is fantastic. You really are leaving a wonderful path for me to follow. Keep up the good work.
Take care and stay strong. 
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
16 days and feels like struggle today

Hi Amanda
Awww you poor thing, I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been well and I hope you make a speedy recovery.  
You have had some excellent replies and comments from Lolly, Hot and Han, and I just wanted to throw something else into the pot. Instead of viewing thing as missing out, remind yourself of all your reasons for quitting. Look at all the things you are gaining by not your health, wealth, freedom from addiction, ability to breathe better, improved sense of smell and taste, fresher breath, fresher skin etc etc... I could go on and on.
Lolly asked you to find really good reasons why smoking is great. I actually found some on another website and will copy and paste them below for you. 
101 reasons to smoke...

You should smoke if you want to have...

1 Withdrawal symptoms constantly 
2 Bad smoker’s breath 
3 Stained teeth 
4 Cough/sore throat/phlegm
5 Problems breathing 
6 Feeling tired and out of breath 
7 Wrinkles (more, sooner) 
8 Arguments with family and friends when withdrawing
9 Emphysema 
10 Heart disease 
11 Gum disease 
12 Bad smell in your clothes, hair, skin 
13 Cigarette burns in your car or on your clothes 
14 Risk of secondhand smoke to people around you 
15 Acute myeloid leukemia
16 Cervical cancer
17 Kidney cancer
18 Pancreatic cancer
19 Stomach cancer
20 Abdominal aortic aneurysm
21 Cataracts
22 Periodontitis
23 Pneumonia
24 Lung cancer
25 Lung disease
26 Heart attack
27 Heart disease
28 Hypertension
29 Stroke
30 Oral cancer
31 Bladder cancer
32 Pregnancy complications
33 Low birth weight babies
34 Early menopause
35 Lower estrogen level for women
36 Sudden infant death syndrome for pregnant women
37 Atherosclerosis
38 Peripheral vascular disease
39 Cancer of the throat 
40 Cancer of the esophagus
41 Chronic bronchitis
42 Gangrene
43 Blood clots
44 A drug addiction
45 Loss of smell
46 Loss of freedom
47 To be seen as an outcast in society
48 Seen as a person with no will power
49 Viewed as an unattractive person
50 An expensive habit
51 To be inconvenienced and have to go outside
52 To be dependant on a substance
53 To worry about not having cigarettes when you want one
54 Dying early in life
55 Mood swings
56 To be seen as a loser in life
57 Headaches
58 Heartburn
59 Congestion
60 Loss of speech
61 Loss of limbs
62 Larynx cancer
63 Aneurysms 
64 Increase HDL Cholesterol level
65 Loss of appetite
66 Brittle bones 
67 Erectile dysfunction 
68 Damage to DNA
69 High blood sugar
70 Infertility in woman
71 Impotence in men
72 Pathological increase in the heart rate and subsequent damage to the heart
73 Constriction and even total collapse of blood vessels
74 Numbness of hands and arms
75 Marked increase in stomach acidity
76 Crippling of taste buds
77 Massive destruction of vital cells 
78 Coldness of hands and feet
79 Tooth loss
80 Stained hands and skin
81 Damaged hair
82 Cloudy vision
83 Loss of endurance
84 Loss of stamina
85 Increased risk for diabetes
86 Be put on oxygen
87 Swollen feet
88 Hospitalized for immobility
89 To miss out seeing your family grow up
90 Spend your life hiding in shame
91 Low self esteem because you can't quit
92 Treated as a drug addict
93 Circulatory problems
94 Respiratory problems
95 Skin disease
96 Mouth disease
97 Stomach ulcers
98 Gastrointestinal problems
99 Bad self image
100 Coping problems and how about feeling GUILTY for the rest of your life

Well there were 100 reasons to smoke and the last one was actually the only reason not to smoke...

101 The only reason not to smoke - is if you don't want all that crap up there.
I hope you see where I'm coming from. 
Amanda we are all rooting for you, stay strong, you can do this. 
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A reason to smile

Hi Timbo.
This is really funny,  a great find.
Thanks for sharing  
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Stopped Smoking on 9th Febuary, 2014

Fantastic news Tipu,
Congratulations and well done.
It's great to hear that your health has been improving and that your quit has remained as strong as ever.
Loving your positive attitude and determination. 
Take care and stay strong buddy  
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I?m Tie With Whisper for Day Seven

Wooohooo Rita, way to go...... So pleased to see you've made it. Congratulations
9 days! 9 whole days! how cool is that? Look at you go, you are flying through the days.
Really chuffed for you, You have made me a very very happy whisper    
10 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How Do You Fill Your Time?

Hmmmm now let me see...... Reading, I love to read, especially this forum and all the wonderful posts from past and present quitters. Listening to music, and if I am feeling energetic (which seems to be all the time since stopping smoking) dancing to the music. Singing, not very well...but it's good enough to scare the stray cats away  Taking long walks, this is one that my dog also enjoys too. Baking and trying out new and exciting recipes.
Ooooh and I did try knitting in the first few days of my quit. I've never knitted before, so wasn't sure what I was doing, come to think of it I don't even know what I was trying to knit. Didn't work out to well but it did take my mind of the early day cravings and kept my hands busy too.
Hope everyone doing well and staying strong.