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What would you tell your friend?

11 years ago 0 1140 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think I'd just say, "When and if you decide to quit, you'll quit. If not, that's your business. I feel for you. It is annoying to have everyone trying to tell you what to do." 
I know how annoying all the pleas, demands, and public restrictions were to me as a smoker. I also know that many of them instilled more rebellion in me, which delayed my decision to stop smoking. All those head trips from others were just additional garbage for me to sort through before I could come to terms with the idea of not smoking anymore. Even now, just thinking about it makes me mad. 
  • Quit Meter


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    Days: 600 Hours: 9

    Minutes: 8 Seconds: 2

    Life Gained

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    Smoke Free Days

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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

11 years ago 0 11212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You’ve been quit for a little while (or a long while depending) and you decide to get out of the house and meet a friend for dinner. This friend is a smoker but has been very respectful of your quit so you are not concerned about possible triggers.

When you get to the restaurant your friend is already there but the look on their face let’s you know something is wrong. You sit down and ask how she is doing. She launches into what is bothering her… She explains that she feels everyone around her is quitting and she is starting to feel like the only smoker out there who doesn’t want to quit. She says she hates how everyone looks at her when she is smoking and feels self conscious about how she smells to others. She says her husband has been trying to convince her to quit which is causing her even more guilt. She says she knows she should quit but she just enjoys smoking too much and doesn’t feel ready.

What do you tell her? What do you do?

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