Hello there, I hear what you're saying. I'm working on quitting smoke too, but I'm a major smoker. 20-25 smokes a day and have been smoking for 30 + years.
I'm running into some of the similar issues as you are.
Work, Family Health issues, Home life.... In otherwords, Life Happens.
I did a good job yesterday of greatly reducing my smoking, but today, I'm at a similar stage where I'm not caring much + I'm nervous and anxious about going to my Chest CT Scan tonight. I didn't think it was bothering me until I let up my 6 smoke today and it was only lunch time. EEK. Now that I've recognized that, I'm working on controlling my urge, it will be a bit of an inner battle until after the test.
I wish I could go a couple days without smoking. For me that would make things easier.
I'm finding that the most important thing is to recognize the reasons for smoking, and think of the benefits of not smoking. I'm still struggling, I'm still in the early stages of my quitting program and trying to keep positive.

Don't forget to fill out the steps in My Program. Hopefully it'll give you some tools to deal with the struggles.
And would love to know how you're doing.