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Is emotion like balloons of air?

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Being visually  minded, I imagined the other day that my emotions are like balloons of air.  One thing that goes wrong though,is that if I don't express the emotion, and the balloon is floating around me, it can get "fed" more air by thoughts which I might irrationally connect to a balloon or emotion.
Having outlets is a good idea to "deflate" or allow me to feel "disarmed" in some sense.  Sometimes I feel I have too many emotions unexpressed. 
A strange thing that happened at a doc's office was that I started speaking to the secretary, for a change.  She was quite chatty, and I felt so much tension was released, since I usually sit and stew.  I don't have many people I talk to.
Can anyone see their emotions as "balloons"?

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