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Indecision with Too Many Options - What do you Do?

12 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sunflower I was a special needs teacher before I broke my spine and was unable to work, you mentioned you feel you get lack of recognition and need a confidence boost, just remember in your work you are helping to shape those children's lives, for all you know you could be educating a future president, banker's, lawyers etc . You are doing a very important service for society, you are trusted, respected and valued, not only by the children but also by their parent's, their extended family, your colleagues and the education system, give yourself a pat on the back & have a glass of wine on me. You are a 
12 years ago 0 250 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My day back was good. I tried not to have many expectations which helped. I also listened to some Buddhist talks by Ajahn Brahm which helped. He mentioned one of the favourite things he has learned was that "doing something is easy, thinking about them is hard". So the more we think, the worse we assume. As for creativity, there is some but there is pressure to plan good activities for the kids but it isn't that hard. Pros for my job- close to home, good pay, good pension, good hours, its what I trained for, and it is with kids Cons- stress, chaos, lack of recognition I suppose, and I am worried about my physical health, this isn't a job that I could do until I retire. I think my anxiety comes from being afraid of not being able to cope. I know I need a confidence boost too. All in all, it went well. I think the support here is amazing, thank you all so much. Sunflower
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi SP:  Hope today went well for you.  I remember a job when I had anticipatory anxiety.  It wasn't much fun.  The thing is though, I really liked the work.  

Let us know how goes,
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunflower,
How was your first day back at work?  Do you think your worry was for the most part due to anxiety?  How did you prepare for your day today?  Has your outlook changed since reading the posts from Hugs?  She offers really good advice!

It sounds like you have a lot more to offer than admin support.  Your present job seems to allow for much creativity.  Is this true?  What aspects do you like about your current job?  Have you considered all the pros & cons of changing careers?
Apologies for asking all these questions, but I am interested in learning more about what you are going through.  It does sound more like anxiety speaking.  It's easy to get ahead of ourselves and not realize what we have in the moment.
Hope you are feeling much better today!

Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The problem is a lottery is unlikely to make you win, but you can change your for the world's response, that's challenging sometimes isn't it?
12 years ago 0 250 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think I tend to run away. So maybe the new career is a way to escape.

I don't know if my environment is toxic but it is a lot of stress. I worry though about making a change!

A lottery win would come in handy about now :)
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm not sure analyzing  this is important, as much as doing what's best for you.  Furthering your education has made you a better person, with more skills in organizing, planning, self-discipline and those will pay off eventually.
I continued in a toxic work environment for a long time and am glad I got out.  There's so much I missed because I was too stressed.  Now it's hard to get do anything and lead any semblance of a normal life, since I've worn myself  thin, and I postponed doing so much, and being present to family or just mundane things...just because I wanted to hang on, or was afraid of change.
I know what it's like to be a square peg in a round hole.  We can't reclaim time or lost relationships can we?
To build on the Budhist wisdom, I remember writing an essay on the role of haste in "Romeo and Juliet" with the central quote being "...haste makes waste, go wisely and slowly.  They stumble that run fast..."
One thing that helps decision-making is "peace", but it's hard to find that with an incompatible workplace draining you daily.
12 years ago 0 250 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am facing a lot of indecision as well. I am finding it harder and harder to cope with my anxiety at my job. I have had a lot of time off due to the Christmas holidays so it has been about 2-1/2 weeks since I was at work and I am terrified to go back tomorrow. Sometimes holidays are not that great, too much off time to worry.
My stomach is filled with a raving ocean!
It makes me wonder if I am in the right field. I work in a family drop in centre working with children from infant to 12 years. I am scared and panicky because sometimes things get way out of control and there are a few kids who have behaviour issues and rage issues. I feel like I am walking on egg shells a lot of the time. I am not on my own but there isn't a lot of team work right now.

I realized last night after talking with my husband that I should not have upgraded and gone to college for 2-1/2 years. I should have remained at a lesser position with less responsibility. I am an Early Childhood Educator level 2 now, but I was a Child Care Assistant many years ago until the government requirements changed and we needed new training. A free college course came along and I jumped at it. Now I wish I hadn't. I miss just going to work and doing a shift and leaving. I used to be able to cope so much better before. Now I have to plan activities, crafts, behaviour management etc. I feel like I made a huge mistake. I do get paid more money with this job but money isn't everything.

But, is that just my anxiety speaking? I am good enough at my job but I am constantly worried.

I am contemplating changing fields to doing administrative support or volunteer management doing some kind of charity work.

I listen to podcasts from a Buddhist monk named Ajahn Brahm and he has always said "If you don't know what to do, do nothing". I have taken that advice and now I am faced with returning to work and I am panicky. I don't want to go at all.

I am so scared. Is my indecision from my anxiety or is it a real concern that I need to change jobs?

It's so hard to know.

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I do feel fortunate, but ambivalent with that uncertainty.  It reminds me of "buridan's ass", a philophical parable about a donkey which has equally appealing choices and starves due to indecision.  Sometimes things are "equal"  as much as equally confusing...
12 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs,
Great quote! Taking small steps and breaking big goals into smaller goals is important. Sunny also offers great advice; taking enough time to consider your options is also important
I often say to make choices which are in line with your values and choices that resonate with you. For example, if you get excited about a choice or even if the choice makes your heart beat a little faster then that is probably a choice you want to move towards. Often people make safe choices and not choices that would actually add to their fulfilment.  Unlimited opportunities sounds like a good dilemma! What do you think?

Ashley, Health Educator

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