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Money pit or Home sweet Home?

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I guess the challenge is staying focussed, since there is so much to do, and not knowing how to maintain motivation
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Lord. 
Now there is good cause for anxiety. It seems there is never enough money or time. I need new shingles on my roof and some trim needs sanding and painting. I used to do this myself but can't any more. So I have to hire. Lucky for me I can get some labour for trade. But balancing that causes stress too. I've always been cautious so I'm not too bad off. No debt or mortgage. Not that I have done with out that much just that I have not even thought of keeping up with the Jones's. I'd love a new tractor. I'd love a scooter to get around on too but when I weigh use against price I reject the idea. Some times I just want to scream "it's not fair". But then I listen to my friends that have all the toys saying they have debt and their whole check goes just to keep up with the payments I don't feel so bad. 
Truth of the matter is that I feel like sunny, glad to have a roof over my head and food. And I am squeaking by in this age where one income per household just does not cut it. Especially if that income is a disability pension.
I've always been happy with the little things in life so I guess I have an advantage there. I can always justify things too. I have spent money on top of the line tools and this computer is expensive but I have no need to spend two weeks in Mexico every year either. So there is a trade off.
I guess it really boils down to negative verses positive. How you look at things.
Comfortable but a bit ragged or money pit.


Ps. I have creative friends who manage to make there places very unique with labour and second hand items. Part of the fun for them is getting something cheap or free and they are great recyclers.

12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs:  Oh yea, I got one of those.  Well, not really, it is an older home and needs new windows and I'd like new hardwood floors.  The thing that gets me going and appreciating what I've got is all the travelling I've done and the things I have seen - lots of people out there without a home at all.  Lots of people with no place to lay their head at night and a lot of people with no one to care for them.  We are fortunate in many ways - a roof over our heads, food on the table, a place to shower, clothes on our backs, a bit of money in our pockets.  I remember as a child camping in Europe and ending up giving food to the people where we camped.  My father always bought an extra box of groceries to give to a needy family.  These are lessons I haven't forgotten.  
Oh, I know, it still sucks to have to dish out more money to keep the place going, but at least we got a place eh?  Hey, at least we got money to put towards the place even though we'd love to spend it elsewhere! lol.

Your friend, Sunny
12 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs,
This is an interesting topic.  What have you experienced with this issue?

Ashley, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


I wonder if anyone has struggled with the overwhelming feeling of being in a fixer upper home which requires constant attention through maintenance, cleaning and the associated costs, and how you cope?

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