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13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It is a little complicated. I was doing well with just coping and relaxing skills but not really getting better. I still see my therapist but some times it is just spur of the moment meeting. Not really planned but on one of these she explained emotions and there connection to core beliefs and there effect on the tendency to take panic from panic to attacks and how they could be used in reverse to prevent them. We talked about how it is not the core belief that causes the attack but how we look at the belief. (emotions) The simple I guess is do you believe it or not. It is a fact that if you can say go away and really believe it will, It will. It might not go far but it will go. See this is where it gets complicated, because you can not totally get rid of them, they are in memory, but you can bury them with positive ones. These are Shari's dragons. You can not get rid of them but you can lock them away where they do no harm.
Knowing that it is me that had to change,(how I looked at things) not the things themselves gave me the tools to be able to ignore anxious situations or modify them enough to keep them from becoming panic attacks. Anxiety in itself is not a bad thing, it is just an emotion. Panic is only a warning. Attacks when it won't shut off are horrendous. But emotions and attitude work for me to stop them before they happen. Core beliefs, emotions and attitude all work together for me. Even when anxiety is the side effect of a medication, Using the right emotion and attitude can keep it from becoming a panic attack. It never used to but it does now because I understand it and information is power.

To be honest I haven't stuck my nose in the program for a long time but I'm sure there must be a section covering this.

13 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
How do you challenge your negative thoughts? What techniques do you use to do this? What sessions of the program have been helpful in overcoming this?
Samantha, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I take a couple of medications that cause anxiety. One is a beta blocker for blood pressure. It causes vivid dreams that as long as I don't look for something bad in them are really funny. The other is an antibiotic. (all oral antibiotics do this to me) It causes anxiety by leaving me with a not quite there feeling that I keep turning into anxiety, no matter how hard I try not too. This is a chemical thing I have no control over. What I do have control over is how I feel. I don't have to let it go from anxiety to panic, I can just accept that I feel lousy. Sort of like having the flu, I just work with it. I am sure there are other medications with these sort of side effects. My point here is that if you do have this problem It gets better as you learn to change negative thought to positive. You do learn to say I have not much say in this so I accept it. I figure with enough time I will learn to totally ignore it. After all it is just a little dragon, why should I not be able to chain it too.


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