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Theory and logic.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A rather interesting thing about core beliefs that we build early on is that although they are ours and built for the most part from observation what we are hearing and seeing is not ours. At an early age we have little information of our own to use so we take information from others or around us and make it ours. The word "why" is a word children use a lot. Children question everything and the answers they get are saved for future reference. Core beliefs are built from this information. The double whammy with miss information is not only that it is wrong but that it is not our fault it is wrong. Add to the fact that at that age a lot of information comes from those we respect. This can build trust issues. I guess the point is that we should not feel bad when we find something we believed is not so. It is not our fault since we can only make use of the information we are given. But because we can compare we can as thinking animals figure out what is right and what is wrong by challenging how we are thinking. We do this more as adults than as children and I think this may be one of the causes for anxiety disorders. Disappointment is a cause for depression and anxiety. Core beliefs can definitely lead to disappointment and sadness. They can keep us from achievement. So I feel it is important to challenge them. Even if it means finding most of them are right. And some can be right and wrong depending on application. Like believing you are too short. It depends on what for. That is a minor belief to some that have more impact on our lives and what we can do. Changing what I believed has made a major impact on how I feel and how I think. A change for the better.


The first inkling that a core belief may be wrong is if it makes you sad. There may be a subconscious feeling that it is not right by observation. So challenge it. If it proves to be a fact then at least you know.
10 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit!
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Happy International Women's day to you and all the women here.

10 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Interesting Davit! Thanks for sharing. It makes perfect sense.

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm going to have fun with this. 
This is very closely related to imagination.
Prof Rubik invented the cube to teach his students logic. But more important to teach them how to think and how to spot flawed logic. With the right theory and logic the cube is easy to do. With the wrong it is impossible. So if you are getting nowhere the problem might not be that what you are trying doesn't work but that your theory and logic are wrong. And the biggest problem then becomes what else are you trying to do with this flawed logic. Probably everything that you can't make work. So what! What has this to do with this site. Well a lot actually. Core beliefs are the logic and theory we use to interact with life. They are how we think and how we know how to do things. But what if they are wrong. We are back to the cube right, it will never work. Well so what, who needs to be able to do a silly cube. (I did) But you do need to be able to function and be able to interact. To do this you need to be able to know what works and what doesn't and what is right and what is wrong. So if life is not going as smoothly as it should there is a very good possibility that it is your core beliefs that are flawed. How do you fix this. By trying different theory's till you find one that works and the one that works becomes the new logic. The new core belief. The one that works every time.
Simple really in practice, but core beliefs also dictate whether we will. And that you have to figure out on your own.


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